Page 24 of A 4th Full of Rage
“Fuck, Carly, don’t look. Honey, you blew his face off,” Lindsey stated and spat on him. The first man was groaning as I approached him. I held my gun on him and stared into his eyes. They were full of hate.
“Think you can come for my kids? My sisters? Think again, asshole,” I said, shooting him between the eyes.
“Woah, you need to move up to badass,” Lindsey exclaimed with a smile.
“Seriously, walk all over me if you want, but do not fuck with my kids,” I hissed.
Lindsey grinned, gave me a wink, and led the way to the treehouse.
Between me and the treehouse were ten men. It seemed to be the main force of them. Liz had told me her team had taken out at least fifteen so far and was still hunting several others. But between me and my daughter, planned or not, were ten men, and there was only Autumn and me.
“Incoming,” Artemis crowed and appeared from the side with Sin following.
“What we got?” Lindsey inquired, popping up and straight after Carly.
“I spied multiple targets,” Marsha said as she and Ali arrived.
“Anyone seen Serenity?” I demanded. Headshakes abounded, and I felt my gut twist. Willow and Casey appeared.
“What’s wrong?” Willow asked.
“Serenity’s out there, and she’s hunting alone,” I explained, worried.
“After what she did to Frenzy, I wouldn’t stress,” Artemis replied blithely.
“And if that was Nova?” I shot back.
“Point taken,” Artemis acknowledged.
“Let’s take these fuckers out. For some reason, they’ve congregated near the tree house,” I said, struggling to focus. My daughters and a niece were somewhere out here. And ten assholes stood in our way.
“Incoming!” Liz yelled, and we all split up, diving to different sides. I saw a flash of a beard and a set of rotten teeth as I aimed upwards and fired. The asshole fell towards me, and I fired again before rolling out of the way. The tiny clearing we were in was swarming with bullets, and I spotted a guy aiming at Carly. My gun spat before his did, and Carly flinched and turned rapidly, firing her own weapon. In the sheer chaos, it was hard to see who was who, and then a sudden silence fell. When we looked around, Sin was sitting on the grass, holding her head. Lindsey lay face first with Artemis on top of her, glowering. The others were in various poses.
“Who’s hurt?” I demanded.
“I banged my head,” Sin admitted.
“If Artemis would get off me, the fat lump, I’m fine,” Lindsey growled.
Artemis bounced on her for a few moments before getting up and hauling Lindsey to her feet.
“You missed that coming at you from behind,” Artemis declared, pointing at a huge fucker with three knives embedded in his heart.
“Nice aim,” Ali said approvingly.
“I got hit, but it’s just a graze. Fuck, Gunner’s gonna freak,” Autumn announced, lifting her top. She was correct. It didn’t need stitches.
There was a sudden movement in the trees, and we all whipped around and held our guns at the ready. Needless to say, my husband and his brothers paled as they burst into the clearing and nearly got their asses shot by their own women.
“We heard the shots!” Drake yelled, looking wild.
“And they’re all dead,” I said and then jumped as I saw Sin shoot one in the head out of the corner of my eye.
“They are now,” Sin called back.
Drake eyed her carefully as she looked for Jett.