Page 20 of A 4th Full of Rage
“Fourteen, nope, make that thirteen,” Calamity answered as an idiot popped up to fire, and Calamity took him out.
Ten minutes later, it was over, and Rage was dragging bodies into a pile.
“How the fuck are we gonna move this many?” Hunter demanded.
“Easy.” Drake smirked. He walked to where there was a manhole cover and lifted it.
“Drake, they’ll track them back to us!” Gauntlet said.
“Nope, this drops into a room that Da had built in case Rage was ever attacked. The door is hidden in the sewers. Only Rage is aware of the access point. Drop those fuckers down there, and we’ll move them out tomorrow night,” Drake replied.
Hunter shook his head.
“Your pa was a sneaky fuck,” he commented. Drake grinned.
“We have five alive still and one completely uninjured,” Apache announced, approaching.
“Any got rank?” Drake asked.
“The uninjured one,” Apache said. “Enforcer patch.”
“Keep him alive, slit the throats of the others, and get rid. Take the prisoner, tie him the fuck up, and dump him with his asshole brothers. We’ll speak to him tomorrow. Twenty-four hours surrounded by dead men will loosen his tongue,” Drake replied.
“Anyone checked their phones?” Axel boomed, racing towards them.
“Nope?” Drake asked as he began pulling his.
“SOS from Reading Hall, security alert went out. They’re under attack!”
“Prospects, dump those bodies, then ride to Reading Hall. Keep that cunt alive!” Drake growled as he ran for his bike.
Harley tried to move beside him.
“Harley, do as told,” Drake snapped.
“She’s my mom,” Harley shouted back.
“Yeah, and she won’t thank me for taking her boy into a second firefight. Do as you’re ordered and then ride, son. If any of those bodies are missed, we’ll face jail. And that will kill your mother. I’m trusting you, son,” Drake demanded, stopping and holding Harley’s gaze.
Harley visibly struggled and then reached out to clasp Drake’s shoulder.
“Kill them all!” he ground out.
“Ain’t no question of that,” Drake said, swinging his leg over his motorbike. The parade was right outside Rage now, and Drake turned his bike to a little used gate on the forecourt. It led to a side street and allowed them to duck the parade.
“Hold on, Phoe, we’re coming,” Drake whispered as he opened his throttle.
Chapter Five.
We got busy once we’d fed the kids and kicked them all outside under the supervision of the older teens, Albert, Mrs Ames, and security. Each old lady worked in pairs and had their own plan. Lindsey and Casey, who had no fear of heights, were hanging huge swathes of material from the battlements. The red, white, and blue were certainly the focus. The flags that flew from the flagpoles were replaced. Usually, they boasted the Rage MC colours, but today the stars and stripes were prominent.
Autumn and Sin, Artemis and Marsha, who also held no fear of heights, were hanging flags and swags from the second and third-floor windows. The first-floor windows and balconies had USA banners, mixed with stars and stripes banners. The ground floor was decorated with balloons and red, white and blue spirals dangling from windows. On the roof sat a large hat being blown up by Sin and Vivie, who were having the utmost fun with it by the sounds of things.
I’d hired the biggest bouncy castle I could find in the nation’s colours, and streamers hung from the trees in the gardens. Flags, bunting, stars, balloons, and fairy lights all decorated the gardens and the barbeque area we often used. Paper fans with different patterns, pom-poms, and glow sticks were also abundant. The pool was open and full of blow-up 4th of July toys. Today, I thanked God that it was Olympian sized when I’d had it built because we’d need it. The sun was already beating down on us.