Page 17 of A 4th Full of Rage
“And there’s nothing they can do?” Drake asked.
“There’s an operation, but it might make her worse. But at the moment, she’s in so much agony, I’m thinking it’s worth the risk,” Apache mused.
“So, they’re going to leave her? Not do anything?” Lowrider was appalled, and Drake agreed with him.
“They’ve given her a belt, which she used for a week before shredding. It caused her more pain. She takes medication when it overwhelms her, otherwise she struggles without it. Silvie refuses to become addicted. That’s her fear—that she’ll turn into a junkie. But I hate seeing her suffer,” Apache replied.
“We all do, bud; wish there was something we could do. Silvie’s still working part-time for Lindsey, but Lindsey said she wants to do more,” Lowrider added.
“The fuck she will. She can barely cope now,” Apache mumbled.
“Gunner calling in. Spotted ten Fangs heading our way,” Gunner announced into their earpieces.
“You’re fuckin’ kidding me,” Drake growled.
“No, they are not wearing colours, but they’re Fangs,” Gunner replied.
“Got four Fangs headed towards us,” Harley interrupted.
“Fall back to the compound, lead them there, son,” Drake ordered, scanning the crowd. He couldn’t see anyone suspicious.
“Everyone slowly head to the clubhouse, take up positions, and use freaking silencers. I want each group calling in on arrival,” Ace said down his Bluetooth.
Affirmatives echoed back as everybody obeyed.
** SPD means Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. It is a condition linked to pregnancy and childbirth and is incredibly painful. It usually clears up after the child has been born but in rare cases it can continue after birth.
Drake was pissed to learn he was the furthest away from the compound, as, one by one, each group checked in. As he approached the outer walls, Drake noticed the Fangs congregating but hiding in the crowds. Fuckin’ cowards. Drake and the others kept up their happy and ignorant front as they disappeared behind the first set of walls that enclosed the garage, blacksmith, and parts store. They sauntered and chatted loudly until they reached the second set, which surrounded the clubhouse compound.
Ezra slung an arm over Lowrider as he pretended to slam the gates closed, and then they all moved swiftly. They knew the gates hadn’t shut properly because they needed to be latched and bolted, and then the deadbolts slid home from a button push in the guard shack. The Venomous Fangs wanted to attack, so be it. Rage would lead them straight into a trap. As soon as they were clear of being seen, they scarpered to their own area.
When the compound had been built, they’d decided in church who’d protect what section. The prospects were always sent to the roof, where it was safer for them. Axel, Texas, and Slick would hold the clubhouse. As Drake ran to his zone, he noted the blinds were already down and protecting the glass. There was only one entrance, and that was through the doors, which, between Axel’s team and the prospects, nobody would get past.
Drake didn’t bother checking if everyone was in place. They either were or weren’t. While he’d left the gate open, Drake knew they planned other ways to enter, which meant coming over the wall. But he couldn’t be certain where they’d breach. The only brother who was aware was Mac in the security room with the motion sensors, alarms, and cameras. Every single bit of the compound had been covered.
When redesigning it, Drake had made damn sure they got an early warning and that it would be impossible to breach the clubhouse. The other areas weren’t as important. The guest block could be rebuilt, as could the playground and swimming pool. It was the vast clubhouse which would hold their women and children that needed protection.
“South wall motion sensor alert. Five bodies climbing over. Gunner, Manny, all yours. North Wall sensor alert, four detected, Rock, Blaze, they are yours. East Wall shows four more, Ezra and Lowrider. Ace and Apache West Wall has ten. Gauntlet and Savage, support them, please. Prospects focus on the West wall first. Drake, Lex, and Fish, six entering through the gate. They took the invitation. There are ten remaining outside the walls on the forecourt. Hunter, Slate, Jett, and Calamity, they’re yours. Klutz is in the medical centre and prepared. Defences are deployed,” Mac said over their earpieces.
“Confirmed,” whispered Drake, Gunner, Rock, Ezra, and Ace.
“Gunner, yours have landed. Feel free to fire,” Mac stated calmly.
No fucker broke into his home with the attempt to blow it, and them, the fuck up. He was an enforcer for a reason and had held the position for many fuckin’ years. Sure, his role was to enforce the rules of the club and keep everyone on the straight and narrow, but it was also to protect his brothers. Gunner ensured bones got broken and throats were slit when needed. He glanced across at Manny and noticed Manny lining up a target from behind the bush he hid. Manny aimed and fired, and Gunner saw a man drop with a headshot.
No alarm was shouted as the Fangs had already spread out and were creeping towards them. Their intent would be to blow the windows out, come through them, and pick Rage off one by one. Gunner took the one closest to him out with a throat shot. He growled. That was meant to be a headshot. Rolling his eyes, Gunner tried to find the next target and noticed him sneaking around the shed that held the kids’ swimming toys.
This time his aim was true, and the guy dropped. The other attacker spotted him and opened his mouth to shriek, and Manny took him straight through it. Gunner glowered at Manny, who preened while they looked for the fifth man. He was almost on top of Gunner when he saw him, and Gunner fired wildly. Before the intruder could shout out, the speakers came on blasting music, and over them, their voices could be heard laughing and joking. It was a recording they’d done years ago. The attacking Fangs would believe they were partying inside.
Even as those thoughts crossed Gunner’s mind, Manny took out the last man whose yell had been lost in the noise. Gunner nodded at Manny, who rose and slipped away as Mac’s next call came. Gunner was expected to stay there until the all-clear, but Manny was free to help his brothers. Especially as Mac stated that Ace’s ten men had landed.
Damn assholes had hunkered down. He, Apache, Gauntlet, and Savage and the prospects had taken out four as they landed. There was no point letting them spread out; there were too many. Ace didn’t want them to get a foothold; instead, the pricks had taken shelter. An idiot popped out from behind a tree. Gauntlet took the shot, and the guy collapsed.