Page 10 of A 4th Full of Rage
“Yeah, Rapid City doesn’t have volcanoes. Proves that shit ain’t always right,” Wench interrupted.
“Yeah, and cars don’t fall from the sky, but they did when the sinkhole opened!” Ace shot back.
Wrench bit his lip. He couldn’t deny that.
“Anyway, back to business,” Bear interrupted, stopping all arguments.
“Rage has five guests on ice. They’re still alive, and we’ve got all the information we needed from them,” Ace said.
“Anything useful?” Bear asked.
“Not much. They were hiding in an abandoned hotel and had been ordered to snatch my four sons,” Drake muttered. A frown appeared on his face.
“And?” Chance pushed. Drake knew his cousin sensed he was keeping something from him. That was obvious by his forceful tone.
“They were planning to take the boys and demand we hand Rage over, as Inglorious said. Should I fail to, the plan was to send my sons back in pieces. Even if I handed Rage over, they’d still have tortured and killed my kids. Their pièce de résistance was to behead them and send Phoe and me their heads,” Drake spoke calmly, but he fumed inside. What those living assholes had admitted was barbaric. Drake had beaten the shit out of their five prisoners. Without hesitation, he’d sliced and diced them until they were barely alive.
Klutz had kept them alive—for now—but their deaths were assured one way or another.
“Why are they still alive?” Psych questioned.
“Because I wanna send their heads on a pike back to Fury. But that will escalate, so I want agreement before I do,” Drake replied.
“You ever done anything like that?” Jacob asked, swapping glances with Akemi.
“No,” Drake answered honestly.
“Sawing through bones is hard. Leave that to us,” Jacob said as Akemi nodded.
“Shit, you guys are freaks,” Bat exclaimed, and they laughed.
“Dude, you were a grunt. Delta Force was for the big boys,” Jacob teased.
“Anyone disagree with Drake’s desired course of action?” Chance interrupted before the army men broke out into their own war.
“Nah. Go for it. It’ll be a clear warning,” Onyx said, speaking for everyone.
“We know Fangs’ main chapter is Palm Coast in Florida. Their MC has taken over most of Florida. I want their heads mounted there. It’s where Fury will be, no doubt,” Drake mumbled.
“Consider it done. Where are the fuckers?” Akemi asked.
“At Rage’s old wet room, I moved them there today. The prospects get the honour of finishing them off,” Drake announced.
His statement was met with nods. Cold justice. It suited the crime.
“If there’s nothing else, let’s meet in two weeks. Nigel and Leila set up a secure system and will add everyone to it. It’s a sort of chat room where we can get updates live, but nobody can crack it. Presidents, VPs, and enforcers will be added to it. And in Juno Group’s case, Artemis,” Hawthorne said.
“Add Casey. If Gilbert and I don’t answer, she knows who to call,” Jacob ordered.
Drake noted he didn’t even ask Drake’s permission, and he bristled a little.
Jacob met his gaze straight on.
“Who do you think will run Delta Force when I’m gone?” Jacob asked, and Drake blinked.
“Does Mac know?” Ace blurted with a grin.
“Not yet, son!” Jacob laughed.