Page 53 of Losers, Part II
“Lucas knows all about being firm with parents,” Vincent said, a smirk on his face. “He wasreallyfirm with his old man.”
“Damn right,” Lucas said. “I firmly punched him in the face and we stopped having problems. Mostly. And don’t interpret that as me telling you to punch your mother. Don’t do that.”
Grateful for the levity, I laughed. “No, I’m not going to punch my mom. I just wish she listened. She’s always talking about the things she’s done to make me happy; but those things madeherhappy, not me.”
Manson peeled off his dirty gloves, tossing them into the trash. “What do you know about this Greg guy anyway? Did he go to high school with us?”
“We went to middle school together. He moved away before high school. I don’t know anything about him beyond that. But knowing my mom, I’m sure he’s good-looking, wealthy, and probably really boring. That’s the type she goes for.”
“A sugar daddy type?” Vincent said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Damn, if you won’t go for it, I’ll give it a shot. I’ll let some boring old dude pay for my shit.”
“He’s not old,” I said. “But you’re more than welcome to take my spot at dinner. Bleach your hair and no one will ever know.”
“All right, what’s the plan then, boys?” Lucas said. “Are we killing this guy or just giving him a good scare?”
“We could dispose of the body by feeding him to Bo,” Jason said. “That little shit will eat anything.”
“Hey, everyone, take it easy,” Manson said slowly, his tone mysterious, as if he’d thought of something the others hadn’t. “Maybe Jess should humor her mom one last time and go to dinner.”
My mouth dropped open in shock. “Wait, what? Youwantme to go?” I looked at the others, but they appeared surprised too.
“Yeah,” Manson said. “You’ll get to dress up and have a nice evening. I’ll even go with you.”
Now, I was truly confused. “I don’t think Greg swings that way, Manson...”
“I don’t mean I’ll be sitting at the table with you. I mean I’ll be there, in the restaurant, making sure you’re safe. Making sure you enjoy yourself.”
He grinned, cocksure and ridiculously sexy. It made sparks shoot off in my chest, sizzling on my swiftly beating heart.
Lucas seemed to have caught on to what Manson intended as he said, “So when you say you’re going to make sure she enjoys herself, what you mean is that you’re going to be fucking her right under the nose of her date.”
Manson spread his arms innocently. “I like what I like. And I’d really like to see our pretty little fucktoy get dressed up nice and sit politely on her dinner date — while I make things likesittingandbeing politeextremely fucking difficult.”
Oh, that was filthy. The sparks in my chest were more like fireworks now, exploding in little rushes of adrenaline, arousal, and uncertainty. But there was one thing I wasverycertain of.
Returning Manson’s eager grin, I said, “I think I’d like that too.”