Page 160 of Losers, Part II
The idea of growing our family...someday...was truly beautiful to me.
“Are you asking if we meant it?” Jason said, kissing my hands as he snuggled closer.
“Yeah, I guess...I guess that is what I’m asking,” I said.
“We’re not trying to make anything happen right away,” Manson said. “But in a couple years...we might need you to get that IUD removed.”
“If you think that’s something you want,” Vincent added.
“Because we know it’s whatwewant,” Lucas said, and kissed the back of my neck. “Kids terrify me,’d be pretty cool.”
“Someday,” Jason said. “I think we’d all really like that.”
It was difficult to contain how happy that made me. I didn’t think I was ready for kidsnow; my career was only just getting started, the boys had their business to run and it was growing bigger every day. But someday, I knew I’d really like that too.
“Now get to sleep,” Manson said tiredly. “We can talk about babies when we’re not so tired.” But I was still wiggling with excitement, all the sugar in my bloodstream not allowing me to keep still. I squirmed around and rolled over to my other side, and Manson muttered, “I told you that candy would keep you awake.”
“Sorry, sorry,” I giggled. “You can punish me tomorrow.” I sat up, and leaned over Lucas so I could kiss Manson’s cheek and whisper, “Master.”