Page 123 of Losers, Part II
We needed to have evidence that we’d tried to solve this problem legally. Because in all likelihood, the resolution wouldn’t be legal at all.
38 - Jessica
I’d never been so exciteddespite not having a clue what was going on.
“You’re going to vibrate right off your damn seat if you don’t calm down,” Lucas said, but I really couldn’t help it. He and Manson were installing my new engine today, and I could barely contain my excitement to finally have the freedom of my own car again.
“Don’t worry about it, Jess,” Vincent said, calling down to me from the couch in the loft. “Lucas just isn’t used to having such an audience while he works.”
Lucas grumbled, turning away again as he tried to concentrate. It likely would be far less distracting for him if I stopped constantly peering over his shoulder, so I went up to the loft to join Jason and Vincent. Taking a seat between them on the couch, I grinned as they both planted a kiss on my cheek at the same time.
“How are you feeling about tomorrow?” Jason said. I had my review with my boss first thing in the morning, and I’d been trying to keep myself distracted to avoid stressing over it.
“I’m a nervous wreck,” I said, wiping my sweating palms on my jeans. “It’ll go well. I think. I mean, at least I hope it will.”
“You’ll be fine,” Vincent said. “You’re going to get that promotion, you’re going to start making the big bucks” — he rubbed his hands with a grin — “and then you’ll adopt us all as your sugar boys.”
Jason snorted. “Sugar boys? Really?”
“Only if I get to make him wear a catboy costume,” I said. “And if he doesn’t get stuck in it because it’s too small, it doesn’t count.”
“That can certainly be arranged,” Vincent said, and Jason threw up his hands.
“Y’all are not going to make me into a catboy. Come on —”
“Hey, keep it down!” Lucas yelled. “All your weird cat talk is making Cherry uncomfortable!”
“If we’re going to have a catboy and a pup in the same house, I’m going to need a primal play scene between you,” Manson added, and burst out laughing at the look Lucas gave him. “Don’t lie, you know you’d enjoy that.”
Jason suddenly looked as if he’d be into it.
Luckily, the boys did an excellent job of keeping me distracted from my nerves. My lofty view was the perfect spot to watch as Manson and Lucas tore my car apart. Piece by piece, they removed anything connected to the engine and set the parts aside. Then they wheeled over what looked like a miniature crane, connecting a hook and chain to the top of the engine so it could be lifted out.
They took a break for lunch, and Vincent whipped up a delicious bacon mac and cheese. After being so on edge all morning, the rich meal made me drowsy, and I fell asleep on the couch without meaning to. When I was woken up a few hours later, it was by Manson caressing my cheek until I opened my eyes.
“It’s ready for you, angel,” he said as I yawned and rubbed my eyes back to wakefulness. “The new engine is in. It’s time for a test drive.”