Page 67 of The Tease
“Zach likes it.” He gestures to the speed demon. “I should make sure he doesn’t knock any shelves over in the rush to get his new book.” He studies me for a beat, and I imagine the gears turning in his head. “Do you want to join us?”
That wasn’t on my to-do list tonight. But checking out books with a child seems safe. “Sure,” I say, and I don’t hide the smile I feel. It’s nice to be invited.
As we head to the children’s section, Finn holds up a finger like he’s pausing and rewinding something in his head. “Did you just say the newCaptain Dudewas good?”
Ah, I’d been waiting for him to catch up to my comment. “I did. I read it while I worked out this morning. On my Kindle,” I add.
“You…did?” Finn asks.
I’ve really shocked Mister Tycoon now. This is fun. I think I’ll keep doing it. “Well, I was dying to know what’d happened in Metropolisville since the last adventure,” I say. “Especially after they saved the city from the runaway train. Or should I say, saved the chocolateonthe runaway train.”
“Yes!” interjects a young voice beside us. The boy talks as fast as he moves. “I was so stoked when they got to eat the chocolate. But the dog didn’t eat it. Dogs can’t eat chocolate.”
The mini Finn clutches the newest installment to his chest and happily inserts himself into the conversation. “But don’t tell me what happens in this one, okay?”
I lift my hand like I’m taking an oath. “I solemnly swear I’ll share no spoilers.”
He gives a long sigh of relief. “But how do you read so fast? Can I learn?”
Finn clears his throat then sets a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Zach, this is my friend Jules. She and I work together. Jules, this is Zach, my son,” Finn says with such obvious pride and love that my heart thumps a little harder.
I extend a hand and Zach takes it. “Hey there, Zach. I have a very important question for you.”
The kid’s expression turns intensely serious. “What is it, Jules?”
“How did you feel about the cat in the last book? Did you think he should have joined forces with them?”
Zach’s eyes sparkle with righteous excitement. “Yes! I kept waiting for that to happen. Why didn’t that happen?”
“Some cats just like to sleep,” I say with a tsk as Finn watches the two of us like we’re the world’s most fascinating tennis match.
“That’s why I like dogs, but at least Captain Dude and Captain Dog were up to the challenge.”
“They always are,” Zach agrees. “No matter how hard it is.” We dive into a discussion of the captains’ most daring rescues, then Zach says, “We’re going to get this book and get dinner. I might read it at dinner. Wanna come?”
The offer is so sweet, I grin, eager to say yes to Zach. But Finn might not want me there. “I don’t want to intrude,” I say when I meet Finn’s eyes.
“Intrude, Jules. Please intrude,” Finn says, in that commanding tone. The one he used in the restaurant bathroom a few weeks ago. The one that works on me.
Only this time, it works in an entirely different way. I’m not dropping to my knees—obviously. Instead, I say yes to a night I never imagined I’d want—a dinner out with Finn and his son. Talking to Zach is relaxing. Easy. Dinner with the two of them feels friendly.
“I should buy this first,” I say, waggling my book,Tie One On.
Finn snatches it from my hand. “It’s on me,” he says, then we head to the counter. Zach races ahead, then slows and catches up to my side. “Have you ever made a Rube Goldberg machine?”
“No, but sometimes I feel like every day is one.” Meeting Finn has been like a Rube Goldberg machine—I played the piano one night and now the dominoes won’t stop falling. “But have you?” I ask, turning the question back to Zach.
“We did today in science camp,” he says as we reach the counter and the clerk rings up Finn’s purchases. “It’s my second science camp this summer. I begged my dad to sign me up because I really wanted to make the Rube Goldberg machine. It was pretty cool, but we’re not done.”
“Can I tell you a secret?”
Those green eyes flicker withyesandnowandI’m dying to know.Finn looks on with a grin as he swipes his phone across the tap pay.
“Tell me,” Zach says, practically bouncing.
“The best science experiment is still when you blow up Mentos and Diet Coke. Do you have a backyard?” I ask, feeling all kinds of subversive.
Finn laughs as he thanks the clerk and takes the books.