Page 103 of The Tease
That might be the best gift ever from her.
A part of me doesn’t know what to do with this note, or with her, or with all these feelings that aren’t going away.
But another part does.
“So, it’s a go?” I ask Bridger, barely able to contain my excitement after he delivers the news.
My boss leans back in his desk chair, the picture of a cool, confident executive. “We gotCaptain Dude. Thanks to you.”
I’m glowing. I can’t even sit down. I just pace in front of his desk because I’m bursting. “That’s amazing. Totally amazing.”
“You deserve the credit.”
I shake my head, too overjoyed to accept his praise. I want to tell Zach. I want to tell Finn. Sure, there are no guarantees a project will get made, but securing the rights is the first step, and we have them.
“You started reading the books and you tipped me off. The author will be in town for a reading next weekend. We can meet him and talk about the project.”
Bridger stands, comes around the desk, and stops near me. I can sense this is important to him so I stop pacing and meet his eyes, letting my smile disappear. This feels serious.
“When you first started working for me, you were a diligent, hard worker. That was all I knew. But over time, you’ve proved your knowledge and acumen. I couldn’t have built Opening Number without you. The work you’ve done on all our shows is tremendous, fromThe RendezvoustoHappy Enough. And now to find a project like this,” he says, shaking his head in amazement. “Just promise me this—if anyone ever tries to court you, give me a chance to make you an offer and keep you.”
I’m floored. But what would he do if he knew I slept with the head of a network we pitch shows to?
“And I’d like to give you a raise and a promotion,” he says.
I should jump for joy. But my shoulders fall. I can’t take this if he doesn’t know.
But there’s nothing to know, another voice argues.
And yet, there is.
“Bridger,” I begin, then I go to the door and shut it. I have to be careful. I’m not involved with Finn, and I don’t want to presume I ever will be. But I don’t want to cause a scandal either. I think that’s the message Solange was trying to impart.Be careful.
She’s not wrong. But sometimes being careful doesn’t mean walking away. Sometimes it means walking into the fire.
This won’t be comfortable in the least, but I need to say it. To ask it. It’s the right thing to do.
He tilts his head, then tugs on the cuffs of his emerald-green shirt. “What is it, Jules?” he asks, taking a seat then gesturing to the one across from him.
Then, I do another hard thing. “Would it bother you if I was involved with someone in the industry? Hypothetically.”
He sinks back in the chair, seeming relieved. “You scared me there.”
“But I’m serious.”
With a weighty sigh, he nods a few times. “Jules, I fell in love with my business partner’s daughter. It happens.”
Yes. Yes, it does.
Maybe there’s a way for it to happen to me too. Because the thing I want most in the world right now is to tell Finn about a kids’ book his son loves.
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