Page 57 of All That We Never Were
“It’s not that I think it, Leah; I know it.”
“I don’t want to be alone.”
“You’ll meet new people.”
“That’s easy for you to say.”
“You need experience.”
“Of what?” I took a drink.
“Everything. You need to experience life.”
“That sounds horrifying…”
Axel laughed and shook his head. “Wait here, I’m going to put on some music.”
I put on a beatles record.
Leah smiled at me when I came out onto the porch with two more mojitos in my hands and passed her one as the music filled the night. I lit another cigarette, staring into the sky full of stars that seemed to tremble with the notes.
“Is this what you hoped for?”
She stretched. “Yeah. Thanks, Axel.”
I liked seeing her that way, so centered on the moment, not thinking about anything else, her head free of the chaos that normally filled it. Her hair was long and wild, and when she stood up, it shifted a little. I grabbed her around the waist.
“I’m a little dizzy.” She laughed.
“You’ve drunk a fair bit.”
Her eyes were shining like a turquoise sea. I got lost in them for a few seconds as she moved slowly closer and closer. “Let It Be” started just then, and I let her wrap her hands around my neck. I let myself go. I raised my arms and let my fingers glide down slowly till they reached her hips, pulling her close to me, dancing slowly, dancing under the stars in that house so far from the rest of the world.
She stood on her tiptoes and I felt her warm breath on my cheek. I quivered before I grasped her tighter and held her still against my body, frozen in that moment.
“Leah, what are you doing?” I whispered in her ear.
“The kiss… Just give me that.”
“You’re drunk.”
“You too. A little.”
“You don’t know what you want…”
“I do. I always have.”
She rubbed against me, and when I felt that prick of desire, I thought, Shit, I did drink too much. And I was a real bastard. I sucked in a curt breath.
“Forget that. It’s a bad idea.”
“It’s just a feeling, Axel.”