Page 94 of Fall of an Empire
“I am not here to harm or enchant anyone,” she replies, her voice melodious even when she’s not trying.
“And I don’t trust your kind,” I reply. “Get the king out of here. Now.”
She doesn’t argue, though the tilt of her mouth tells me she finds my distrust rather amusing.
“You need to not be alone,” Bowman says.
“I am immune to a siren’s call,” I tell him.
He doesn’t argue further. Seconds later, she and I are alone in the foyer. “Come.” I turn and lead her into the study then shut the door.
She moves through the room, studying the books and parchment on the shelves, then finally stops and turns to me. "You are Tenebris."
"That’s the life I was born into, yes.”
“But you chose another.”
“I did.”
“A life with her.”
I narrow my gaze. “You were the one watching us in the water.”
She nods. “You love her deeply. As she loves you.”
“Why are you here?”
The siren turns away and fingers a tassel on a tapestry. “We sank the boat she was sailing on.”
I can feel the blood drain from my face, and my stomach turns into a pit. “You did what?”
She turns. “We sank it. Killed who we could, though the once-King of Soreno escaped. Like you, he is immune—”
“What of Carleah?” I demand. “What did you do to her?”
“I helped her to the shore and sent her to the giants.”
I gape at her, my heart hammering. “She cannot make that journey alone!”
“You greatly underestimate her strength. She could not waste time coming back here when I was unsure there was anything for her to come back to.”
“That’s why you’re here then? To see if Soreno remains standing?”
“I came to see if you lived. I’d been expecting to see you on the ship as well, but when you were not, I assumed you might be dead. And if you weren’t, then I wanted to tell you where you can find her.”
“On her way to the Land of Giants.” I shake my head and rest both palms on the desk. “That journey is more perilous now than ever, given that Patrick will be scouring the realm for her.”
“Yes. We received word that he did just that, destroying an entire city of people in the wake of his anger.”
“Inland. Near the Marshy Meadows.”
My first thought is of Carleah. Was she there? Did she escape? And then I remember that William and Kira’s home is not far from there. If the Tenebris stumble across it—
“I need to go.”
“To find your queen.”