Page 88 of Fall of an Empire
“That’s if they make it past Siren Harbor,” Salma adds. “They are vicious, and taking that route is foolish. You truly don’t believe they’d go North and avoid it altogether?”
“I don’t,” Alastair replies, pointing to the map. “If he truly is not entirely human, he won’t be susceptible to the Siren’s call. Which means he won’t consider it a threat to pass by them.”
“But his sailors—” Salma starts.
“Patrick is arrogant.” I cross my arms. “He always has been. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that he’s not at all worried about the Sirens.”
Salma nods, though I sense she has more to say. “Then we assume he goes South. How do we intercept?”
I study the map, staring down at the dark patches that represent land and mountains. My gaze travels the path Carleah and I traveled when we left Navalis what feels like lifetimes ago. “We travel on foot. Taking as little as we can and moving swiftly. If we pass through the water here and here, then travel through the Marshy Meadows, we should arrive at the Land of the Giants at least a week before they dock.”
“And if they go to Navalis?”
“We wait for them,” I say. “They will come to those caverns. Has anyone seen Shadow?”
Salma shakes her head. “He warned us and left. It’s possible he’s looking for her.”
I nod, grateful that something is watching out for her. Even if I do wish I was with him instead of here deciding which fork in the path to take.
“Can Carleah survive that long?” Bowman asks. “What if he—” He closes his eyes, and anger at the mere thought of Patrick putting his hands on her boils my blood.
“We have to do what we should have done from the beginning.” I roll up the map.
“What’s that?” he asks.
“We have to trust in Carleah. She is strong, Bowman, far stronger than we gave her credit for.”
He nods but doesn’t immediately answer.
I turn to Alastair. “How many men can you spare while still holding Soreno down?”
“Four dozen,” he replies.
“I am taking all of my people,” Salma says. “Unless you need us?” she asks the dwarven king.
“Need useless elves?” Alastair grins. “Never.”
Salma smiles in return, shaking her head. “Very well, then you have our spears as well.”
“We need more men,” Bowman says, shaking his head. “The Tenebris are savage; we cannot do this without more.”
“Leave that to me.” After banding the map, I leave it on the table and make my way through Soreno’s castle. Around me, the halls are empty, given that we don’t know if we can trust any of the servants who’d been on staff. Bowman falls into step beside me.
“Do you think we’ll reach her in time?”
“We have to,” I reply.
“Are you going to the dungeons?”
“Yes. And I’m glad you’re with me. Let me do the talking, though. You are a king, and that is all they will see you as.”
“What will they see you as?”
“With any luck? A man who will cut them down without a second thought.”
“That cannot be me?”
“Absolutely. But the king does not demand respect, he receives it. I am going to gain you their favor.”