Page 73 of Fall of an Empire
“My father wanted to take things slow. He wanted me to wed Carleah then use her to fulfill my destiny. I was to wed and discard her. But you’ve seen the princess,” he says to me. “Discarding her was never an option. So when he died suddenly, I moved up my plans. He believed that the Rossingols wouldn’t be the wiser about our plans, but I knew better. I knew you would get in the way should you catch wind of what my plans were. Therefore, Navalis had to be dealt with.”
The truth hits me far later than it should have. All this talk of destiny. Of a path. “You’re him.”
Patrick’s eyes shine with delight. “Who’s that now?”
He wants me to say it. To speak the title out loud as though it’s something to be proud of. “The Son of Flame. It’s you.”
“Look who’s finally catching up.” He takes a deep breath. “Now, I will make Carleah see the future she can have with me. A future outside of a gilded cage.” He grins, and another piece fits into place.
I yank at my chains. “You bastard! You poisoned her against me!”
“Oh no, Fort, you did a damned good job of that all by yourself. Treating her like she should be sidelined in a war where she should be on the front lines!”
I will not argue with him. Won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing just how deep I’ve cut myself by saying what I did to Carleah.
“Have I mentioned how grateful I am that you brought her here for me? You did cost me a lot of time, pulling her out of Navalis, but I knew we’d find you eventually. It is destiny after all.”
“You son of a bitch! I will fucking slaughter you!” I yell, ripping at the chains that bind me.
Patrick smiles as he crosses over to a bloody tray full of tools I’d rather not focus too intently on. “Tell me, great warrior of Navalis, did you get a true taste for her while you were out? Or is that honor of yours I’ve heard about still intact?” He lifts a dagger from the tray.
“Fuck. You.”
Patrick chuckles and turns to one of the men. “I see he’s going to need some persuading. Bring me the elf. Let’s have some fun, shall we?”
Chapter 25
Morning comes after a night of no sleep, but I’ve finally cried all the tears I had left. So I stand and pull the cord beside my bed to alert the maids assigned to me. They come in seconds, two of them rushing in.
Within a few minutes, my bed is made, I’m dressed, and they’re guiding me down to the kitchen. The gown brought to me today is similar to last night’s, though the skirt is a pale yellow instead of the soft white.
Just as well, I’d love to burn that dress in hopes it will erase some of the painful memories of last night. “This is who I am when I’m not in love with you.”
The words might as well have gutted me with the strength of them. Even though I’m not so foolish to believe a single one. Fort loves me, but his fear has eclipsed that love, and for whatever reason, he believes that lying will keep me safe.
After breakfast, I will go to him and explain just how damned foolish he’s being. He will see it my way when I’m done, I’m damned sure of it.
Patrick is seated at the table when I enter, his face lighting up when he sees me. “Dearest Carleah, you look absolutely breathtaking.” He stands and crosses toward me, taking both hands and pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Come. Sit beside me.” He pulls out a chair, and I take my seat before he slides it back beneath a table.
In seconds, a plate of fruit is placed in front of me along with some flaky croissants and a bowl of butter. The whole thing happens so fast, I can do nothing but stare at the food. It’s been so long since I felt fully fed, and to be honest? I miss doing it for myself.
“Is everything all right?”
I glance over to find Patrick watching me curiously. “Yes, sorry, I didn’t sleep well last night.”
His brows furrow. “If you need a different room, or perhaps a different bed—”
“No.” I reach over and cover his hand with mine. “It’s not that at all. I’m just—”
His expression softens. “You’ve been through a lot, Carleah. It’s natural to be unable to find your relaxation.”
“Thanks.” I smile and slip a grape between my lips. After chewing and swallowing it, I meet his gaze again. “What all has Bowman told you of my travels?”
“He said that you spent some time with the elves. That they told you of a destiny?”
“That they did,” I say with a soft laugh. “They believe I am Queen of the Third Realm. The prophesied Daughter of Ice.”