Page 70 of Fall of an Empire
A partition separates the room from a large copper bathtub, already full of steaming water. Yellow flowers float on top, and when I get a closer look at them, tears burn in my eyes. “Primrose flowers?” I look back at Patrick.
He smiles softly. “It is your nickname. I thought it added a nice touch.”
The gentle kindness brings a wave of guilt crashing over me. “It is,” I tell him. “Thank you so much.”
“Anything for you, Carleah.” He takes my hands. “I know we have not spoken much and I was not there when you needed me most, but I hope you accept my humble apologies and allow me the chance to win your heart the way I should have when we were initially betrothed.”
“You need not say anything,” he says. “I know that it was something your father was forcing on you, just as mine was pushing you on me. But being in the position I am has awarded me a new understanding of just what marriage would mean. And when I learned of what happened…” He trails off and shuts his eyes tightly. “I was so afraid that I’d lost the chance to show you just what a good husband I could be to you.” His hand strokes mine gently. “You deserve only the best, and if you will just promise to give me the chance to prove to you it is me, then I will make you an oath that, should you decide to return to Navalis when all of this is over, I will do my best to understand.”
“You are not going to force me to marry you?” I ask, shock obliterating all other emotions.
“I will not force you to follow through on a promise that was made by your father,” he says. “Though it will hurt if you choose another path,” he adds with a smile. “I want you to love me as I love you, Carleah Rossingol.” Leaning in, Patrick presses his lips to my cheek. “Now, I leave you to bathe and dress. If you need anything, you only have to ask.” He turns away.
“Wait, where is Bowman? I’m surprised he didn’t meet me.”
Patrick smiles. “He will be returning tomorrow. We’ve sent out search parties in every direction, looking for you, and he insisted on going with your elven friend—”
“Lacrae? He’s all right.”
“Quite. The healer is a miracle worker.” Patrick opens the door. “Rest easy, Carleah, for you are safe now.”
Chapter 24
The balcony of my room overlooks gardens overflowing with bright sunflowers. Even now in the moonlight, I can see them clearly. A plate of food that has long grown cold sits on the table beside my bed, brought to me by a butler who assured me that the king knew how exhausted I must be and offered to allow me to dine alone in my room.
But I know the truth. He’s with Carleah now.
Wining and dining her while he offers her everything I cannot.
Jealousy saturates my body, clinging to my very bones as I recall the way he’d held her arm and paraded her around for all to see. But that’s her life now. It’s the path chosen for her at birth and the one I know she will end up walking.
Because it’s the one that will lead her to a victory for Navalis.
The door behind me opens without a knock, and I don’t have to bother turning around to know it’s her standing there. I can sense her as though my soul recognizes her as a part of me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning around.
Carleah’s bodice is gold while golden sunflowers are embroidered on the white skirt. Her white hair is down, falling in loose waves around her ethereal face. She looks like sunshine. Like the Queen of Soreno should look.
And it fucking kills me.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
Her gaze turns icy. “Why?”
“It’s not proper.”
Carleah moves farther into my room and crosses her arms, enhancing the swell of her breasts above the bodice. Lust hammers me, the need to press my lips to her throat, to feel her body writhing beneath mine taking over. “Since when is anything we’ve done proper?”
“You’re engaged.”
“Actually, I’m not.”
Now it’s my turn to cross my arms. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Patrick told me he won’t force me to honor the promise my father made. He says he wishes to earn my love the way he should have from the beginning.”