Page 64 of Fall of an Empire
Her expression is one of sadness and understanding. “Nightmare?”
“Tell me about it.”
The image of Alex rotting right before my eyes assaults me, and I shake my head.
“Then tell me something about it. There had to be something, Fort.” She cups my face and runs her thumbs over my cheeks. “Say something.”
I take a deep breath. “I need you to know something.”
“We could leave this realm behind. Forget everything and sail somewhere new.”
Her expression faulters ever so slightly, telling me what I already know. “I can’t do that.”
“I know.” I lean forward and rest my forehead against hers. “But I need you to know that it’s an option. That I don’t fight this war to save the realm or Navalis. I fight for you, Carleah Rossingol. From the moment my father sent me into that mist, I have stood for only one thing: you.”
Chapter 22
The moment I step free from the dwarven mountain, all remnants of exhaustion slip away. Bright sunshine warms my skin, and the scent of saltwater fills my lungs. Behind me, an army of dwarves and elves march, most of them breathing fresh air for the first time in centuries.
Of those traveling today, the only ones who have seen a world beyond the caves and Dead Man’s Land are those who took refuge here with Affree.
And most of them are staying behind—including her. Since her confrontation with Salma last night, we haven’t seen or heard from her. She’s remained in her room, hidden from view. Likely a smart move on her part seeing as how everyone—dwarves included—heard Salma’s accusation.
To lay a death sentence on someone merely because you want their position is one of the worst types of treason. The fact that she got away with it is something I plan on taking up with Lacrae as soon as we see him again.
Salma stands just behind me, spear in her hand. She stares up at the sky, eyes wide. “It’s so beautiful. I’d forgotten.”
I reach over and touch her arm gently. “You will never be trapped again.”
She smiles, eyes misty. “Thank you, Carleah.”
I offer her a nod then turn to Alastair, who is staring out with just as much wonder as Salma and the others. He sniffles and wipes a hand over his nose. “It’s so warm.”
“Wait until you reach Soreno,” I tell him. “The sun shines brighter there than it does anywhere else in this realm.”
Fort remains silent as he stands beside Shadow, who scrapes his hoof on the rocky ground, clearly ready to take to the sky. Thanks to Affree’s healing salve, he has fully recovered in a matter of days rather than the weeks it would have taken. Honestly, aiding us with that seems to be the one decent thing she’s done.
Not that it’s entirely selfless of her. She wants this war over so she can return home. Especially now that Salma is free.
“We will take the boats and meet you in Soreno. I think it will take some time because we will need multiple trips to transport everyone. It could be days before we reach the other side of the obsidian. We will march from there.”
“These are the boats the elves traveled in?” Alastair asks.
“Yes,” I reply. “Affree said they are lighter than human boats and therefore travel far faster. You should reach the shoreline on the other side of the obsidian before lunch time.”
“It will take us quite a few trips,” he says as he looks to the right. The cavern entrance is on the backside of a mountain with no pathways around. Since the obsidian was placed in a circle around Dead Man’s Land, they will need to travel the length of the shoreline by boat before marching the rest of the way.
A pain in the ass, to be sure, but at least they won’t have to try and find an impossible way out of Dead Man’s Land.
“Fort and I will ride Shadow ahead. That way we can let Soreno know to expect you.” I turn to face him fully. “Why did you never leave your caves? You had to know this exit existed.”
He looks at me. “My people made enemies of the Tenebris when we fought at the side of the elves. They’ve been hunting us ever since, and it was our law that we were not to leave the caves for fear of leading them right to our door.” He faces the ocean. “Though, if I’d have known what was on the other side, I might not have obeyed.”