Page 50 of Fall of an Empire
“You haven’t been able to open that?” I ask. “Why the hell didn’t you just break through it?” It seems lackluster compared to what I was expecting. A massive stone archway blocked with an iron door? Sure.
Chains barring the way to a tunnel? Maybe.
But a simple door made of wood?
“It’s impenetrable,” he deadpans. “We’ve been trying for centuries, but there’s no getting through. As far as we know, it hasn’t been opened since the obsidian was placed.” He turns to the trees. “This is where we leave you. Should you wish to come back with us, we are happy to escort you.”
“No,” Carleah chokes out.
“You could use the healing—” I start.
“No,” she repeats. “We will get in.” Her teeth chatter, her body still shaking. I should argue. Should insist we get her the help she clearly needs, but before I do, she says, “Put me down.”
“Fort. Please.”
Gently, I lower her, keeping my good arm wrapped around her waist. She doesn’t put any pressure on one of her legs, and from here I can see that the entire front of her tunic is shredded, the leather belt she’d been wearing gone. Torn and scraped flesh is visible on her stomach, legs, arms, and just above her breasts.
Fury burns through me, and I long to revive the creature just so I can make it suffer for what it has done.
“Thank you for your help,” she tells the warriors. “But we are not going back with you.”
“As you wish.” He dips his head then offers her the blade he’d carried. She takes it, and without another word, the warriors slip back into the trees.
“We should have gone back with them,” I tell her.
“We’ve come too far, Fort.”
“You’re not even able to fucking stand on your own.”
“I’ll survive.” Blade in hand, she turns toward the door, dismissing me, which only pisses me off even more. Even Shadow seems annoyed. He nudges her with his long nose. She falls forward, her bloody hand hitting the wood.
“Fuck, Shadow,” I curse at him and reach for her, but a heartbeat later, the wood creaks and shakes beneath her touch. Something clicks, a lock, deep within the door, and it pops open. Carleah stares down at it then pulls back and leans against me as she looks to her palm.
The bloody handprint left behind absorbs into the wood, and behind us, an animal howls.
“Get inside,” I order. “Now.” She pulls the door open, and I help her through with Shadow coming in behind us. The moment we’re through, it slams and seals us inside.
I’ve never been afraid of the dark, but being plunged into it now is terrifying.
At least until power surges through my body and my vision sharpens. Everything comes back at once. I can see through the darkness, hear the echo of water somewhere in the distance, and smell the stench of sulfur.
The pain in my shoulder vanishes, and I roll them as I look at Carleah. She cannot see a thing, her eyes narrowed, mouth parted in fear.
While I cannot see as I would in the day, I can make out the cavern floor beneath our feet and the stone walls around and above us. Gone is the obsidian blocking out my power.
Behind us, Shadow snorts, and I wonder if he, too, is feeling more himself.
“I can’t see anything,” Carleah whispers. “How will we—”
“I can see,” I tell her as I take the sword from her hand and slide it into the empty sheath at my side.
She looks up in the direction of my voice, but her eyes, which have always glowed so brightly to me, do not meet mine. “How?”
“We’re no longer encircled by obsidian,” I tell her as I lift her into my arms. “You were my eyes when I could not see through the Phantom. Now I shall be yours.” She rests her head against me as we begin to walk.
The darkness is thick, the cavern long, and we’re walking for what feels like hours before we reach an opening. An echo of voices fills my ears, muted just enough that I cannot make out what they are saying.