Page 46 of Fall of an Empire
“I don’t want to leave Carleah.”
“Had we wanted to harm either of you, we would have done so already. If you see what I am about to show you and still wish for her to see it, too, then we can come back and retrieve her.”
I battle with my need to remain at Carleah’s side and the desire to see what it is this once-elf wishes to show me.
“You have my word, Warrior, and some of us still abide by the Honor Code.”
It’s those words that have me nodding in agreement. “I don’t want to be gone long.”
“Of course. Come.” She turns and heads down the hall until she reaches a narrow bridge that leads straight into the night. With no light to guide us, I try to stay as close as she is, keeping one hand on the rope, the other free just in case. “We cannot use light because the creatures are attracted to it. It’s why we only have them on the guard posts.”
“I understand.”
“We’re nearly there.”
The light she spoke of grows brighter, and a few moments later, it illuminates the bridge altogether. I step off and to the side of three guards who are peering down into the darkness.
“Anything?” she asks.
The man closest to her nods. “A wolf pack,” he says. “Just there.”
I peer into the shadows in the direction he’s pointing, expecting to see normal grey and white wolves stepping into the light. But what I see will haunt me.
A creature with patches of hair on its bright red skin creeps into the light. Its bright golden eyes stare up at me, lacking anything but utter and complete malice. It’s at least three times the size of a normal wolf—maybe more so—and it’s pointed teeth drip with saliva. Its head is tilted to the side, its legs covered in spiky black fur.
I count a dozen of them.
A dozen tainted creatures. And in my veins, I carry the same curse.
“This is what the blood did to them,” she says. “It twisted what they were, turning them into something else entirely. The Tenebris suffer, too, though their transformation is on the inside. A twisting of their honor until all that is left is a blood-thirsty killer.”
My stomach churns as the wolves continue to stare up at me as though they recognize the same disfigurement in me that they feel in themselves. “Why are you showing me this?”
“Because, somehow, you have managed to avoid being twisted as the others have been. That, or you have grown adept at hiding it.”
I glare at her. “I will not hurt Carleah.”
“Yet another thing that is to be seen, Warrior.”
I move in closer, and two of the warriors turn their attention to me rather than the wall. They recognize a higher threat to their leader, but I can’t be bothered to care. “I will die for her.”
“There is no doubt in my mind that you believe that. But let me ask you this.” She moves in closer. “If it came down to the realm or Carleah, who would you choose?”
“Carleah,” I reply without hesitation. “Every fucking time, it will be her.”
Salma nods and turns back to the wall. “Let us hope it does not come down to that choice, Warrior. For I’ve no doubt you’ll choose wrong.”
Chapter 16
I roll over and reach for Fort, only to find his side of the bed empty. Sitting up, I yawn and rub my eyes, searching for him. He stands at the window, dim light bathing his face in shadows. Since he can usually sense when my heartrate changes and I wake, I take these moments to study him before he realizes he’s being watched.
Thick hair coats his strong jaw now, a short beard from being unable to shave while we’ve been on the road. His amber eyes are focused outside, but I know there are slight bags beneath them from his lack of sleep.
The man never sleeps much, but lately, it’s been so much worse.
“Morning,” I say as I sit up.