Page 40 of Fall of an Empire
“I will stand,” Fort argues.
“You will sit,” she says, even more forceful this time. “Or would you like me to cut you down at the knees?”
Wanting to avoid confrontation with people who could have killed us the moment they laid eyes on us, I lower to a cushion. “There’s no need for threats.”
“I say what there is need for,” she replies. “Sit, warrior.”
Fort crouches, but does not sit.
The woman grins. “That will do.”
“Good. Then tell us who you are and why you’ve brought us here.”
“First, you will explain to me why you have the Blade of Ice and what you are doing in my home.”
I swallow hard. “I carry the blade because it is mine by birthright.”
“Birthright is not what grants you the blade,” she argues. “That is a title that is earned by destiny, not blood.”
“Then destiny granted it to me. The elves put me through trials, and I earned this sword as Queen of the Third Realm.”
No one makes a single sound. Even the woman sitting before us remains silent. Minutes tick by as she studies me. “You are little more than a child.”
I narrow my gaze. “I am Carleah Rossingol. Princess of Navalis and Queen of the Third Realm. And you will not insult me by calling me a child.”
The corner of her lips lift in a smile. “You have fire in your soul. Why are you here?”
“We gave you information,” Fort says. “Now you will answer one of our questions.”
She studies him, eyes that I now see are grey with specks of gold narrowing on his face. “Very well, Warrior. Ask.”
“Who are you?”
“I am Salma. Leader of the Viverie tribe.”
“Why are you here?” I ask.
She looks to me. “It is my turn.”
Frustration sends a wave of heat through me, but I bite it back down. “Ask.”
“Why are you here?” she repeats my question.
“We are looking for someone.”
“No one comes into these lands. Ever. So how could the one you seek be here?”
“We are looking for the dwarves,” I say, knowing we won’t get anywhere unless she’s satisfied with our answers.
“Then you are here on a suicide mission,” she says simply. “Because the dwarven caves have been sealed since this place was created.”
“And how is it you’re here?” Fort asks. “I believed that this place was sealed off completely from humans.”
She grins. “We are not humans. Not entirely, anyway.” She stands. “Come.” Without waiting for a response, Salma walks directly past us and off the platform. After sharing a look with Fort, we both stand and follow. Warriors part for her without request then close back in around us as we pass through.
Salma moves silently through the village, stopping only once we reach the one and only hut that is seated on the ground. She turns to us and gestures for us to go inside.