Page 27 of Fall of an Empire
William reaches down behind the empty stall and withdraws saddlebags that have been completely filled. “We thought you could use some things to get you through the journey. Since you set out so unprepared as it was.” He opens the leather satchels, revealing wrapped food, a leather water skin, and what appear to be medical supplies and a bar of soap.
Living as they do, I know these items likely cost them quite a lot, and losing them is something they will feel. “Are you sure?” I question. “That is quite generous of you.”
“I am sure,” William snaps. “Because you carry the entire fate of our realm on you, Fort with no last name. The Queen will need to survive long enough to unite the realm, and you’re on a journey with nothing to your name but a flying horse.”
Shadow snorts, and I glance back at him in amusement before turning back to William. “We had no opportunity to get supplies,” I tell him truthfully, “as we had to leave in a hurry. I assure you, Carleah is my only priority. Her life is what keeps me breathing.”
William sniffles but tries to cover it by clearing his throat. “Love is not always a strength. Sometimes it weakens you enough that you don’t see the blow coming until it’s too late. And that is something I hope you never have to experience.”
“Here they are,” Kira announces as she and Carleah cross over to us. With their arrival, I bite back my response. Not that I had much to say back to him anyway.
I know Carleah is my weakness because losing her would mean my death as well. Even as a child, we were trained to refute any and all weaknesses. Which, I imagine, is why my father killed my mother the way he did.
To prove she was not his.
Carleah’s brow creases just slightly as she studies my expression. “Everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” William retorts. “Though I wish you were taking me along, too. Extra hands never hurt.”
Carleah turns her full attention to him, a look of genuine sympathy on her face. “I am sorry, William. Shadow cannot carry too many at once. At least, not easily, and we need to move fast.”
“I understand. Just said I wished it were different. We packed you both some supplies for your journey, but as my mother said, should you need a safe place to rest—”
“We are welcome back,” she finishes. “Thank you both so much for everything. Fort and I truly cannot thank you enough.”
“Be cautious when entering Dead Man’s Land,” Kira says.
I look at Carleah, who is just as surprised as I am that she surmised where we are going. “How did you—” Carleah starts.
“You’re not going to Soreno. You cannot go to Navalis without an army. My gut tells me you are to see the dwarves.” She steps closer and takes Carleah’s hand. “Be wary, Your Highness, for the dwarves have been known to be a tricky lot, and they only care for status and gold.” She steps back, and Carleah moves toward my side. I move in closer as well, shielding her back with my body. It’s second nature to me, always has been. But William’s words are heavy on me now because he vocalized what I’ve always known.
Though, I tell myself it won’t come to that because Carleah is meant to live. Me? I’ve always been living to die. Which is why I know I won’t hesitate.
My life for hers.
It’s been my vow since the moment we met.
“Thank you for the warning,” Carleah says. “Please do not pass along that information, though. I would like to keep my mission private.”
“Understood.” Kira smiles. “We will not tell a soul. But you should know that passage through Nemoregno will be your quickest path.”
Carleah visibly pales, and my gut twists into a dozen knots. “We are not stepping foot in Nemoregno,” I tell her.
“If you steer clear of the camp—” Kira starts.
“We appreciate your input, but Nemoregno is far too dangerous. Even on Shadow’s back.”
She nods. “I understand. I was merely offering my suggestion since it’s a half-day’s ride to the bay between us and Nemoregno but at least a week between us and Soreno.”
“We know it is a long journey,” I tell her. “But it’s better to take more time than to not arrive at all.”
She smiles. “Then let me merely offer you my well wishes for your journey.”
“We will take those.” Carleah turns to William. “Thank you for everything, William. For bringing us here and sharing your home with us.”
Clearly trying to hide his emotion at the goodbye, he shrugs. “Do not mention it. It was not a big thing.”
Carleah crosses over and kisses his cheek. “It was a big thing to us.” Then she turns to me. “Ready?”