Page 90 of God of Ruin
Panic slithers in her light eyes like a highly contagious disease. “Lan, whatever you’re planning, stop it.”
“I need you with him, Ces. I’m not asking.” I slide my fingers on her cheek and time my reaching down to the moment I sense movement behind us.
In a pure emulation of a caricature, I’m shoved off Cecily with a force that I could fight but choose not to.
Jeremy punches me in the face. I let myself fall to the ground when I spot a very tiny and very familiar boot. Mia stares down at me like she did that day on the ruined roof, her eyes resembling fractured midnight rain and crushed nightmares.
My own fucking fallen angel.
She lifts her boot and kicks me in the balls.
I grunt, suppress a smile, then roll onto my back. My lip has doubled in size and I can taste metal, but I still grin.
“Hi, mouse. Miss me?”
She glares harder, as if I’m at the top of her murder list, and flips me off—which will get her fucked like a dirty whore in a few. Then she signs to Jeremy, who’s grabbing Cecily’s elbow and staking a claim I couldn’t give two flying fucks about.
“He’s all mine. Don’t interfere or tell Nikolai or get in touch. I’ll deal with him on my own as we agreed.” Mia places a hand on her hip when she’s finished, her face and body emanating more attitude than should be allowed.
“He’s all yours,” Jeremy says.
“Oh?” I jump up and secure the mask around my neck. “I’m going to have to decline whatever deal you two have.” I snatch my childhood friend’s other hand. “Cecy and I have a date.”
I stare at Mia, who’s flat-out aiming metaphorical lasers at where I’m holding Cecily.
Should’ve thought of my retaliation before the ghosting galore, muse.
“The only date you’ll have is for a funeral.” Jeremy pulls Cecily and I release her so that she lands against him. I’m such a good cupid and should be rewarded for the effort.
“Necrophilia. Yum.” I lick my lips at Mia.
She lifts her leg, no doubt to annihilate the family jewels once and for all, but this time, I shove a hand against her forehead, stopping her advance. “Jesus fucking Christ, calm down, and stop acting like a rabid dog.”
As expected from the spitfire, she kicks, punches, and tries to shove against me, but all of it mostly ends in the air. I easily block her and offer Jeremy my most provocative grin. “Let go of Cecily.”
My friend wrenches herself free. “You have no right to touch me.”
They glare at each other in a ridiculous play of hard-to-get. But it’s no worse than Mia who’s still trying to kick me while signing that she’ll kill me.
“What she said.” I tsk. “How does it feel to be the second choice to me? In fact, you wouldn't have even been on her list if you hadn't stalked her.”
Jeremy storms toward me with all his demons carrying machine guns. Provocation success rate? One hundred percent.
Cecily jumps between us, her back to me as she stares at her nemesis, who ironically happens to be the man she’s in love with. “Stop it.”
“Step away.”
“I said stop it.”
“And I said to step the fuck away.”
Time to let them do their thing. This carefully concocted plan could grant me a seat in the UN if I ever think highly of world peace as a career choice.
“We’re out of here.” I drag Mia by the arm as she struggles, elbows, and uses every trick under the sun to release herself from my grip. And while I contain her crazy, I can’t resist throwing over my shoulder, “Remember, Ces. You loved me first.”
Jeremy strides toward me, but Cecily stops him again.