Page 67 of God of Ruin
“No. You’re too obvious, and he’s too smart for his own good.”
I walk out from my hiding place, catching the two of them—three if we’re counting Maya—by surprise.
She has no choice but to clear her throat and follow me out as if we were just walking past here by chance.
“I happened to overhear your conversation,” I sign to Jeremy since he understands. “I’ll follow Landon around.”
He straightens. “Out of the question.”
“I’m going to do it anyway, so either you back me up and get whatever information I’ll gather, or you don’t.”
“Nikolai will kill me if he finds out about this.”
“Which is why he won’t.” I smile at Maya. “Right?”
Her face is red as she fiddles with the strap of her Chanel bag. Maya never fiddles. Seeming to sober up, she releases it and shakes her head. “No way in hell. You’re not getting in the middle of this.”
“I already am.”
“Mia.” She grabs my shoulders. “The whole pig blood thing was reckless enough as it is. You don’t need that guy’s attention.”
I already have it anyway, so might as well use it for the greater good. Including, but not limited to, bringing the asshole down.
Besides, I need to find an explanation for my strange attraction to the bastard. I’m sure the more I find out how amoral he is, the less attractive I’ll find him and then I’ll be happy to throw him to the wolves—aka the Heathens.
“I’ll be fine,” I sign to my sister, then disengage from her hold to face Jeremy. “Do we have a deal?”
“No, Mia. I’m not pushing you into his lethal orbit.”
“I’m already there.” I lift my chin. “He thinks I’m his muse or something like that, so I’ll use that to my advantage.”
Jeremy’s eyebrows shoot too close to his hairline. “Since when?”
“Since I’m getting revenge for what he did to Nikolai.”
“We’re planning that. Seriously, stay out of it.”
“Too late. Remember the blood bath he got at his own club’s party?” I point a thumb at myself. “That was me.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he says with more bewilderment and pride than anything.
“No god can stop the psycho but I can.” But let’s ignore the fact that I’m hiding in my brother’s mansion because this is the only place where he won’t be able to pull any shit.
I brought Maya along, too, so he won’t be able to threaten me with her either.
“Be careful and retreat the moment you sense any danger,” Jeremy says.
“You can’t possibly be serious?” Maya directs her attention to him.
“You and I both know we can’t stop her once she puts her mind to something.”
I grin like a Cheshire cat and nod approvingly.
Maya points at Ilya, who turned off the stove and is about to leave. “You, talk some sense into him.”
Ilya looks at her as if she’s nothing but the dirt beneath his shoes. That’s the first time I’ve seen anyone disregard my sister’s bigger-than-the-world presence.
“He’s not ayou,” Jeremy says calmly. “His name is Ilya.”