Page 40 of God of Ruin
“Surprised I speak ASL?” He grins. “I figured it’d be better than scribbling on your phone whenever you’re about to burst with curses. Now, I understand all the curses, not just the fuck-you ones.”
“How?” I sign, bewildered.
“I happen to be a genius. You’re welcome.”
“I didn’t thank you, asshole.”
“Which you should’ve. Again, where are your manners?”
“You’re talking to me about manners when you have a tendency to corner people like a creep?”
“I prefer the wordobserver.”
I sneer, my chest nearly exploding from the audacity of this damn man.
“Walk with me?” he asks like some sort of a medieval gentleman that he definitely is not.
I lift my chin. “You expect me to say yes to that?”
“No, which is why I asked politely. The next time won’t be as polite, so I suggest you accept the offer before it’s taken off the table.”
“Go fuck yourself.”
“As I mentioned, I prefer holes, Mia. Keep up. At any rate, we’re moving to the second stage.” His voice lowers. “Walk with me or I will ask Maya instead.”
My spine jerks.
“She’s finished school for the day and is probably filming herself for social media in the Pin Café, which happens to be her hangout. I suppose if I walk there, I’ll find her within fifteen minutes. Should I?”
“I’ll slice your throat before you talk to her.”
“You mean,walkwith her.”
“Stop it.”
He stands straighter, devouring the horizon and my air. “There’s only one way for me to do that and it is, as I specified a few moments ago, if you fucking walk with me.”
Every molecule in me demands I kick him in the face and send shards of the sunglasses into his damn eyes.
But I have enough access to logic to realize that if I do that, I can’t guarantee Maya’s safety.
She tends to fall for men’s looks more often than not, and if this bastard pulls the charming card that he wields so well, he might convince her he never intended to hurt Nikolai. He might flirt and seduce her until she reaches the point of self-destruction.
Because that’s what this asshole does. He ruins things and he ruins them thoroughly without allowing them a chance of survival.
My fingers tighten on the Frappuccino, the cold condensation doing nothing to alleviate the volcano raging in my veins.
“Let’s do it later,” I sign while offering him my worst glare. “I have class now.”
“The class can wait.” He grabs my elbow, fingers nearly breaking the bone. “I can’t.”
He pulls me with a strength that makes me lose balance. The Frappuccino falls and splashes on the ground, the cream and coffee forming a gruesome murder scene.
The ominous image lingers in my head as he drags me behind him with blinding strength.
I try to push at his hand, to claw the skin and cause pain, but then again, he’s barely human and definitely inhumane, so his type doesn’t really feel anything.
In my attempts to free myself, I don’t notice we’re already outside the campus. Landon has dragged me to where he parked his car in a secluded place a safe distance from the college.