Page 13 of God of Ruin
I release a deep breath and catch a glimpse of my brother giving me the side-eye.
The horror.
“Mia?” Bran sobers up. “Is something wrong? Make any form of noise if you need help—”
“It’s her brother, Nikolai.”
Bran goes silent for a few tense beats and I nearly piss myself. This is going too bad too fast.
“Right.” Bran clears his throat and sounds detached, cold, even. “What can I help you with?”
“My sister tells me she spent the night with you three days ago.”
“Spent the night with me?”
“Is that not the case?”
Damn Niko. He makes it sound as if I slept with him or something.
“We met, but she didn’t spend the night with me in that sense.”
Yes, Bran. Thank you.
“What were you doing?”
“I’m sure you can ask your sister that.”
“I did, and I’m trying to decide whether or not I’ll lock her up based on your reply.”
Silence again.
Poor Bran is being dragged into an unfair situation that he didn’t agree with.
“We played a few games,” he replies casually.
“In a gaming café.”
“Which one?”
“The only one on the island. Play Dungeon.”
“With who?”
I nearly stagger. He did everything right, as if I’d told him all the details, but he missed on the last one.
“Alone,” Nikolai repeats with a sly smirk.
“Yes. We were the only ones who played. Maya was there, but she was too preoccupied with her phone most of the time.”
My man.
I’m totally buying Bran the newLeague of Legendsmerch.
“If there isn’t anything else…” Bran trails off and then hangs up.