Page 115 of God of Ruin
I don’t like it when my brother loses grip on his mind and falls into the mindless, animal instinct side of himself.
“It’s all because of that waste of space Landon.” Killian clicks his tongue again. “If that asshole is out of the picture, I’m sure Niko will return to being himself.”
He’s right. It’s all because of Landon and his stupid provocations and tendencies to cause trouble with every breath he takes.
It’s also because I chose the normal option of having dinner with my family. If I hadn’t pushed him aside, he probably wouldn’t have challenged Niko and yanked out this side of my brother.
My phone vibrates and I flinch and then cautiously check it. If it’s Landon, I’ll kill him—
My murderous thoughts pause when I see the name on the screen.
Bran:Can I see you for a minute?
I reply in the affirmative and agree to meet him at the beach. Kill goes upstairs, but Jeremy stays behind.
“What?” I sign as I slide my phone back into my pocket.
“The mission about spying on Landon is terminated. Effective immediately.”
“Not another word, Mia. If Niko finds out about this, I’ll lose him for good and that’s not a risk I’m willing to take.” He pats my shoulder. “Landon asshole King isn’t worth it.”
I nod, for once feeling his words instead of hearing them.
Jeremy’s right. Landon isn’t worth it.
His enigmatic presence and his intense touch and safe company are not worth jeopardizing my brother’s mental state.
Metaphorical darkness lurches in my chest during the whole drive to the beach. The decision I have to make is loud and clear, but my heart still resists, floundering and twisting in its binds and refusing to submit to its fate.
When I arrive, I find Bran leaning against the hood of his car, absentmindedly looking at his phone.
I park behind him and step out of my car. Goosebumps erupt on my skin at the night beach breeze, and I taste the salt on my lips.
The waves crash against the rocky shore, creating a wild, turbulent chaos similar to the clash between my heart and mind.
Bran is scrolling through a familiar IG, but before I can figure out whose, he notices me and makes his phone screen go black.
We briefly hug in greeting before we lean against the car’s hood so that we’re both staring at the angry sea. Under the headlights, he appears pale, unsettled, even.
It’s disturbing how much he looks like Lan but doesn’t share any of his characteristics or intensity. They’re the same on the outside but completely different on the inside.
“You wanted to see me?” I type on the phone.
“I want to tell you a story,” he says with his usual calm.
I nod, even though I’m not sure where he’s going with this. Especially since he’s been avoiding me lately.
His eyes appear as bottomless as the ocean when he speaks. “When I was in secondary school, high school for you Americans, I was targeted by a group of three excruciatingly rotten guys. They made it their mission to not only ridicule me, but to also spread nasty rumors about me, including, but not limited to, my mental state and sexual life. I ignored them because they’re not worth it, and usually, these types of rumors die out when they find a fresh target.
“Landon used to hang out in their circle and actively participate in the mayhem they brought to other people’s lives. In fact, he could’ve even been their leader and the instigator of the chaos they caused. However, after I became their newest toy for the week and he found out about it, the situation quickly escalated to absolute carnage. He beat them up and broke enough bones that they had to be admitted to the hospital. But do you think he stopped there? Not even close. As soon as they started recovering, he planted drugs in their lockers, spread rumors about their sexual inadequacies, and turned them into the joke of the school.
“Just like that, they became the outcasts and the targets of bullying. Then he threatened their parents with incriminating pictures of their adulteries and tax evasion proof. He shattered their reputations, jeopardized the foundation of their families, and completely destroyed their minds. At some point, one of them lost it and attacked Landon. He stabbed him in front of the entire school and got arrested. He’s still serving time for that. The second guy had a mental breakdown and is in the psych ward as we speak. The third one hasn’t left his house in six whole years.”
I cup my mouth, unable to control the shock that rattles me to the bone. So the scar on Landon’s stomach is a result from that stabbing.
Brandon continues in the same tone, “I’ll never forget the look on his face when he was stabbed. He was smiling triumphantly for driving someone to the edge and giving them the final shove over it. He didn’t even care about the pain as long as he got what he wanted.”