Page 112 of God of Ruin
But I do have a car that could crush a few legs. Preferably all three pairs of them. I grin as I rev my engine.
This baby can go from zero to one hundred in a few seconds and will teach them a lesson or two.
Nikolai approaches first, not giving a fuck about my McLaren’s loud engine.
He hits the bonnet with a fist. “Come outside.”
The tasteless brute dared to touch my car.
All I need is to hit the accelerator and he’ll join his family’s graves.
One second passes.
I don’t hit it.
As annoying as Bran is, he was right. If I hurt Nikolai, Mia is out of the picture faster than a rocket. Hell, she might hurt me back for revenge like she did with that blood bath.
In fact, that would be mild compared to what she’d do to me this time. And while I don’t give a fuck about violence, I do give two fucks about her pulling away from me.
Truth is, I give more than a few fucks. A dozen of them, to be more specific.
I push my gear stick back to Park, shut off the engine, and step out of the car.Motherfucker.
Pain spreads through my limbs. It takes me more effort than necessary to stand by the car and paint a mocking smile on my face.
“To what do I owe this unpleasant surprise?”
“Do you want us to start counting all the shit you’ve stirred?” Jeremy asks while tapping his golf club on the ground.
“We’d probably be a while if you do that, so how about I take a rain check on that and this entire Halloween-esque encounter?”
“You think you can get away with it?” Nikolai steps in front of me.
“Already did. Also, the masks look hideous, so you should consider an urgent makeover of the brand. You’re welcome for the free aesthetic advice.”
Killian steps beside Nikolai and swings his bat. I don’t move or flinch as he stops it a mere inch away from my face.
“Hi, Killian. Glyn has been wishing that we’d spend some time together. Should we FaceTime her and show this beautiful scene? Or maybe you’d rather she finds out after you’re done with beating me up for sport?”
“You’ll have no proof.”
“There’s no need. She’ll know it’s you.” I motion at Jeremy. “You, too. Cecy might have gotten over her crush on me, but I’m still her childhood friend. A peaceful soul like hers would shatter to pieces if she finds out you touched a hair on my gorgeous head.”
Jeremy lifts the club, but he doesn’t even swing it in my direction.
Fucking fools. This is what happens when you submit to inferior emotions like love. You become weak and eventually lose.
I will always, without exception, reign supreme over these idiots.
Nikolai grabs me by the collar and punches me, sending me flying against my car. “I, however, can break your bones and eat them for breakfast.”
“Did I miss the memo where you’re a dog?”
“You think I’m joking? I will end you.”