Page 27 of Baring it All (Men in Charge)
“Yeah, we both need it. I’m not getting any younger, and I need my rest to keep up with you.” What a crock of shit. It’s entirely the other way around. The man is a freaking powerhouse. One round somehow always leads to another.
“Are you’re complaining?” I tease.
“Not on your life, baby girl.” He throws the ball for Finn, since he’s prancing back and forth, starting to talk in order to get his way.
“I have some news of my own. I lost three clients this month. I was thinking about opening my books for new ones.” The growl Griff gives off has me cover his mouth yet again. “If you’re done, I’ll continue.” I laugh at his nod. It’s killing him not to make a comment. “But with the stipulation of no longer working weekends.” It’s a bold move that could possibly backfire on me. I want lazy weekends with Griff, sitting on the back deck watching Finn play while we drink a cup of coffee. Griff scoots our chairs closer, moving my legs until they’re on top of his, and runs his fingers along my skin, causing goose bumps to appear.
“Fuck yeah, I like that, Stormy, a whole hell of a lot.” His head dips, and his lips graze mine. I’m yearning for more except he pulls away too soon. Now it’s me annoyed and him smirking. “Come on, sit with me, and I’ll give you more of what we both want.” Griff takes my hand, leading me until we’re closer to the table. There I see a blanket spread out. He’s got everything under control, it seems.
“You had this all planned out, didn’t you?” I ask once he’s setting down, hand up in the air for mine, his ass on the blanket, feet planted, and legs spread.
“Yep, since this morning.” He pats the place between his thighs, and I make sure not to bring more sand on the blanket than necessary while planting myself where he wants me.
“And what all do you have planned?” I ask. He hands me my drink, then grabs his for himself. His other hand goes to my lower stomach.
“Lean back, baby girl. Enjoy the view.” He doesn’t realize while the view may be pretty, there’s nothing better than being with him. Finn nudges the ball with his nose, the waves carry it, and he runs after it a few more times. I take another sip of my drink, chuckling when Finn loses interest in his ball and chases after a few birds. Griff’s fingers graze my lower abdomen, causing me to inhale deeply, and I swear his pinky slides beneath my bottoms before I can catch sight of it. “You finished with your drink?” he asks, placing his bottle on the table.
“I am, thank you.” I tip my head back, maneuvering myself so I can see more of his handsome face. “Those two words don’t convey nearly enough how grateful and thankful I am to have you in my life. Everything you’ve done and continue to do.”
“Shut up, Stormy. You’ve thanked me enough, and I’ll be damned if you say those three words first. Ain’t no fucking way. This time, I’m interrupting you, and keep your hands where I can see them.” He smirks, taking my hand not wrapped around his leg, holding it tightly, completely unknowingly, too. “I don’t give a shit what others think. They could have thought I left that sham of a wedding with you on my arm, your dress in shambles, and thinking we had the wildest sex ever. I wouldn’t have cared as long as you weren’t in a vulnerable situation. That being said, gossipers are going to gossip. Let them. My love for you runs through my veins deep into my heart. You’re my world. I love you, Stormy.” Griff is right. People will say this is too soon, that I’m jumping from one relationship to the next. Hell, they probably already did when I moved in with him. I don’t care. Not at all. They’re not a quarter of what Griff is. He’s got more love in his pinky finger than they have in their heart.
“I love you, Griff. I don’t care what others think or say. As long as you’re by my side, that’s all I care about.” One minute I’m sitting between Griff’s lap, the next I’m flat on my back, his arms are caging me in, and his mouth is descending on mine.
“Fucking right. Soon, you’ll have my ring on your finger, my baby in your belly, and maybe a few more.”
“Are you telling me this or asking, because four babies is two too many. Geesh, I still have a salon to own. That’s going to be kind of hard with a houseful of kids.” Griff doesn’t miss a beat. His nose slides along mine, and he lowers his lips until they are hovering above mine.
“You can do anything with me by your side.” There he goes again, baring it all to me, heart and soul.
“Kiss me,” I beg, unable to take it much longer. The need to burst into tears out of sheer happiness is on the edge.
“Bossing me around again. We’ll see where that lands you. Grab the blanket, baby girl. Daddy needs you.” His arm snakes beneath my back, my legs locking around his hips. I grab the blanket as Griff stands up with me in his arms. “Fuck it. I’ll come back for the table.” One hand grabs our drinks in one swift movement, the other going to my ass.
“Daddy,” I whimper into his ear with each step he takes, feeling his hard cock slide against my center. Griff takes it a notch further, hand delving beneath my bathing suit bottoms. The tips of his fingers press into the cheeks of my ass, moving lower until he’s teasing my pussy.
“Finn, let’s go, boy!” He whistles. “Two more minutes. Can you hold for me that long, Stormy?” There’s a tightness in his tone, and I’m wondering who needs whom more.
“Yes, but hurry.” I drop my hips, unable to stand the sensation rolling through my body.
“I’m hurrying, baby girl. Gonna take you in the outdoor shower first then work our way through the house. That way, when you’re finally ready to have my baby in your belly, all our practice will make it perfect.” He isn’t playing fair. The more he talks about children, the more I’m tempted to go to my doctor and get the implant taken out of my arm.
“With all my heart.” His mouth attaches to mine, my arms tighten their hold, and I’m lost in Griff Hawkins, forever.
Two Years Later
“Come on, Stormy, you’re going to be late to your own grand opening,” I tell my wife while holding the gate open for her at the edge of the yard. Today is the day she’s finally opening the salon. Kitty was finally ready to hang up her apron, and Stormy was more than ready. I’d have bought it for her, or a place of her own, if she’d let me. Damn independence streak. We went round and round. Finally, I told her she doesn’t have to do it alone, and she replied she knew that. I dropped the subject, knowing the minute we were married, I could gift her the damn place, and there wasn’t fuck all she could do about it.
“I’m coming, I’m coming. This child of yours is making it difficult to sleep, let alone walk.” Stormy was up three times last night having to pee. I’d wake up right along with her, rub her back until she fell back asleep only to repeat the same process two more times. She’s grumbling now, but I see the way her hand rubs her belly and the boy she’s carrying inside it.
“He’s mine and not yours today? He must be giving you a run for your money.” The long burnt-orange dress she’s wearing shows of her swollen belly. It wasn’t long after we got married that Stormy sat me down and said it was time for her to make an appointment. An appointment I went with her to watch as the doctor took out her birth control. It took all I had not to come unglued watching as they numbed Stormy beneath her arm, made a small incision, and remove the implant. Never fucking again was she doing that. My wife was ready to start a family. Not even a minute later, I had us both stripped naked and took her against the first available surface.
“I could barely bend over.” She has a new feather in her hand, one to add to her collection. The addition of them is more prevalent now than when I met her; the brick she created before moving in is now mostly full. I swept up one the day I told her I loved her, giving it to her later in the evening. Another one when I asked her to marry me. And the last one before today was when we found out she was pregnant.