Page 12 of Baring it All (Men in Charge)
“Daddy.” That fucking does it. My palm flattens on her cunt, fingers on either side of her clit, pinching it once, prolonging her orgasm as mine comes. I roll my hips and then let go. Jesus, never have I come this fucking hard. On each piston of my hips, another thick jet of cum leaves my body and coats the inside of her pussy. Son of a bitch, I’ll never leave her now.
“Stormy,” I groan her name as I finish. Being buried inside of her is now my home . Where she goes, I’ll go. Day or night, rain or shine, I’m never letting her leave.
“Oh shit.” I roll over after falling back asleep after coming around the length of Griff’s dick. That was round one. Round two consisted of him tunneling in and out of me with only the tip. Seriously, how was that even possible? I have no idea. All I know is I was a whimpering, quivering mess, and Griff pulled out of me at the last second and came all over my thighs and pussy.
“Go back to sleep, baby girl. It’s still early.” I’d love nothing more than to close my eyes and ignore the outside world. Sadly, I can’t, or I’m really going to be homeless. Griff’s arm is slung over my lower stomach, hand cupping my center, holding me to him during the entirety of our nap.
“I can’t. I’ve got an appointment to look at an apartment.” What was I thinking making an appointment on a Sunday? Oh yeah, that’s right. Six more days.
“Reschedule it.” He strums my clit with the pad of his finger, and if I weren’t desperate to find a place, I’d forget all about this appointment.
“Griff, I would if I could.” I moan when he hits the perfect spot, plunging two thick fingers inside me, the palm of his hand working my clit now. Jesus, he’s a magician with the way he works my body.
“One more time. Give me one more, baby girl. Then we’ll start our day.” He’s not playing fair, and I’m the one who’s going to be left without a place to go.
“If I miss this appointment, I’m going to be living in boxes on the street corner.” That has Griff moving us until I’m flat on my back, and he’s wedging open my legs and settling between them.
“What do you mean, you’ll be living in a box. What haven’t you told me?” Damn, maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, then I’d at least get one more orgasm before I have to admit my shortcomings. Though, the look on Griff’s face says I’m not going anywhere until we have this out. Except his cock is happy to see me, and it has me hiking my legs around his waist trying to diffuse the situation before I dive back into reality. “Quit stalling, Stormy.” I take a deep breath, careful not to blow it toward his face because morning breath. Even then, Griff comes down on both forearms, boxing me in, pulling my chin up to look into his eyes. I guess it’s now or never, except the never won’t be coming.
“You know my apartment lease is up. I tried to renew it, but it was already rented out. Every apartment I’ve looked at this week is either months out or so out of my price range I’d have to eat ramen noodles and peanut butter sandwiches in order to survive.” I take a deep breath and keep going, “Add in the fact I’m not an hourly employee and live off of tip. It kind of makes it hard to show I have an influx of money, minus what’s in my savings. Still, they don’t care about that. They want you to make three times your monthly rent, and we’re in the busy season of our small town, which makes it even harder.”
“So, what you’re saying is, you’ve got a lock on an apartment that’s out of your price range, but you’re willing to do whatever it takes.” He looks at me like I have two heads. What else does he expect me to do? I mean yes, one day, I’d love to buy the salon from Kitty. But until she’s ready and I’ve got more cash in my savings account, that day is not today. Sure I could put a down payment on a house, I’d rather not with how freaking topsy turvy my current situation is.
“Basically, it’s that or live with my mom and aunt. There’s live with them, in a cardboard box, or pay the price to have my own place.” The last one won’t happen. I’ll move in with the two crazy sisters if need be. It’s just my damn pride that makes me feel like I’ve got something to prove. And damn this town, too. Never before did I not love where I lived, but after Zach and Mel, it’s all consuming. The walk to Griff’s bar last night was done with my head down while still keeping a watchful eye out. Seriously, that was no easy task.
“Or you can move in here.” I feel my eyes bulge, knowing my mouth is slack-jawed because who is this man?
“Are you feeling okay? Do you have a fever? Did the fight last night cause a concussion?” My hand cups his cheek, feeling his stubbled jaw. There’s no fever. In fact, he’s cool to the touch. The bruising on his jaw is developed and is turning that nasty shade of blue and purple. Griff’s lip isn’t much better, scabbing more, and it will definitely take a while to heal.
“Stormy, this place is big enough for the both of us. I’m not going to be home next weekend as it is. The neighbor does a decent job with Finn, but you see how he is. My boy needs love and attention. Clearly, he’s infatuated already, and you’d be doing me a solid.” He must think I’m going to agree right away. He dips his body, dragging his hard length along my wet slit.
“I’ll watch Finn, stay and house sit, but moving in?” I leave the question open for interpretation.
“You think after last night, I’m going to let you go? Baby girl, we mesh, inside the bedroom as well as out. I’d be stupid not to lock this down. You think I give a flying fuck what this town has to say or that I don’t know we’re going to face a shit storm?” Okay, he does have some merit to his points, and also, the butterflies in my stomach are definitely happy that he’s laying it all out.
“Why do I feel like I’m going to be persuaded if I say no?” My legs tighten around his thick waist. Griff rocks into my body. He’s working me into saying yes while I melt for him. He knows it, and I know it. The only thing left is for me to take a leap of faith. I should be gun shy. My instincts have sucked thus far when it comes to men. Zach did me so dirty, Mel even more so, and she was my friend. The difference is, Griff is not them, and he shows me with every single thing he does. I dated Zach for a year. He asked me to marry him on the anniversary of said one year of dating. We had a short engagement because his mom was in Operation Marry Us Off as fast and as expensive as possible. Maybe she knew something I didn’t, though it’s her smearing my name in the dirt all over Jasmine. There’s no one else who would. The two other culprits are currently on a vacation, thankfully.
“Because you’ll say yes. If I have to fuck you until you say it, I will.” He’s reminding me of last night when he had to pull out in order to ask me about birth control. I told him the truth, that I was covered and also received my test results back after finding out Zach was a big fat cheater. Though, I’m thankful we had yet to do away with condoms. I still wasn’t taking any chances.
“Fine, but I’m not unpacking all of my crap.” Griff blows out a puff of air, mutters something under his breath, and tips his head toward the ceiling. “Not yet at least. We could get on each other’s nerves. I mean, I’m not a huge slob, but I don’t want this to end badly either.”
“I’ll give you that, but your clothes are in this room. You want to unpack or not, you can do it in your time, or we’ll get you a storage unit. I’ve got a two-car garage, and I’d rather your car not be parked outside. Which means boxes can go in the spare room, but we’ll have to figure out the other stuff.” Okay, he’s agreeing to this way too easily.
“I’m not bringing any furniture with me. I sold most of it. Mattress is on the floor, and the barstools aren’t worth paying storage for. The same could be said about my couch and coffee table.” Wow, it hits me all at once. I was willing to give everything away for a man who willingly threw me away like yesterday’s trash.
“Good, that’s settled. Now I’m going to make you come. We’ll get started on moving you in today. That way, it’s done before I leave on Sunday.” I’m awarded with Griff’s panty-melting smile, and lucky for me, I’m not wearing any.
“So, do you think I’m making the right choice?” I ask my mom and aunt a day later. In my heart and gut, this feels natural, but that little girl inside of me is worried what the people I love the most will think. It’s stupid, I know that to the depth of my being. My mom is not one to put conditions on love, and my aunt isn’t either, for that fact.
“I think only you can answer that.” We’re at my apartment, cleaning it up so I can turn my keys in to management. While also picking up the last few stray boxes that Griff’s truck and my car couldn’t hold. His spare room is officially packed full of boxes, mostly books, decorations that I couldn’t part with, and things I’ve collected along the way. I didn’t even have much in the way of kitchen stuff because yet again, I’m an idiot. Zach and I would have had duplicates. He had the fancier stuff, whereas I had the clearance section items. So, it was smarter to come with less. Which is why I’m partially worried about the newest decision I’ve made. Is it smart to go from one man to the next so soon? It’s obvious Griff is not at all like Zach, but man, I’m a freaking mess while overthinking life lately. Another difference besides the orgasms I get from Griff versus none from Zach is that Griff didn’t complain once about all my stuff. Whereas Zach had to make some smart-ass comment saying books can be donated, use an e-reader. Well, newsflash, psycho Zach, I use both. But nothing, and I mean nothing, beats opening up a book and holding it in your hands while you devour each word on the page.