Page 53 of Bloom (Black Rose)
“You’re writing it for the curiosity of the people who would never do this.”
“What about the people who might like to do it but don’t know enough about it?”
“If they’re serious, they’ll find out about it.”
“What’s wrong with teaching others about this lifestyle? Showing them that we’re not just a bunch of kinky people who get off on getting tied up and being flogged. What’s wrong with that?”
My groin tightens at her use of the word “we.” She’s beginning to identify with my lifestyle. God…
“What, Hunter? Tell me.”
“Oh, Frankie. There’s nothing wrong with it. I just don’t want to be a part of it. I don’t like it when…when my privacy is threatened.”
Especially now, with my novel being released soon under a pen name, I value my privacy more than ever. My colleagues at Mellville might not take kindly to one of their published professors writing Victorian erotica.
“I won’t use you as a subject in the article.”
“I believe you. I trust that you won’t. But I will still be in the article because you’ve learned from me, and you can’t help but use that in the article.”
“I’m a professional. I can limit my sources. I’ve done it before.”
She’s getting upset. She thinks I don’t trust her, and that’s not the case. I need to let this go.
I’m not the kind of Dominant who wants to control my submissive’s life. Only during a scene. I like strong and independent women. I always have. It’s what attracted me to Allison, and it’s what attracted me to Teresa. It’s also what attracts me to a submissive to play with. It’s a myth that submissives are meek little women. They’re not. They’re empowered women who aren’t afraid to ask for what they want.
“I’m writing it, Hunter. It’s an assignment, so I can’t just waltz into my boss’s office and tell her no.”
“I know that.” God, do I ever. I’ve taken on a few bosses in my time, and it never ended pretty. “Will you do me one favor?”
“If it’s reasonable.”
I can’t help a chuckle. Frankie is different from Allison. Different from Teresa. Different from any other submissive I’ve met. Yet she is a submissive. It’s quite clear.
A very empowered one. And God, that makes her even more attractive.
“It’s only this. I’d like to read it before you submit it.”
“Not if you’re going to criticize.”
“You’re a writer, and you can’t take criticism?”
“All right. Criticize all you want. But don’t force me to change anything.”
“Do you really think I could force you to do anything?”
She smiles then, and it’s a big one. “You got me to want a spanking from you. That’s something new.”
“Maybe it’s new, but it’s something you’ve wanted for a long time.”
She smiles again, this time blushing. “How is it that you know me so well?”
“Frankie,” I say, “I’ve been asking the same thing about you since we met. Now bend back over and keep that sexy little robe on. I’m not done with that ass yet.”
Chapter Thirty-Five
Hunter and I have a date.
A date for dinner tonight.
A date at the club on Friday night.
Before then, however, I have my group chat with the Dominants and submissives who responded to my post.
I’m sitting at my computer, ready to open the chat room. I emailed all of them but got a response only from three. The other two must’ve chickened out.
I have my questions ready.
I enter the chat room under the name Writerchick.
Writerchick: I’m here. Welcome! Please introduce yourself as you come in.
Then I wait.
And wait.
Until finally—
Kinkyboots: Hi.
Writerchick: Thanks for coming, Kinkyboots. May I ask what pronouns you use?
Kinkyboots: She/her.
Writerchick: I’m hoping we’ll get a few more people in here. Do you have any questions while we wait?
Kinkyboots: Yeah. What name will you be using for me? In your article, I mean.
Writerchick: I can use whatever you wish.
Kinkyboots: I don’t think I want to be called Kinkyboots in the article. Just call me Jane.
Writerchick: Absolutely. Jane it is.
Godfrey: Good afternoon.
Writerchick: Hi, Godfrey. May I ask what pronouns you use?
Godfrey: I’m a male.
Writerchick: Welcome. Kinkyboots and I are here so far. I’m hoping we’ll get a few more people.
Godfrey: I just read through the chat. You can call me Godfrey in the article.
Writerchick: Perfect. I will do that. Thank you both for being here.
Kitten: Hi there. I’m here. I’m female.
Writerchick: Hi, Kitten. Meet Godfrey and Kinkyboots.
Kitten: Hi, everyone.
Writerchick: We’re talking about what names you’d like for me to use in the article. Would you like to be referred to as Kitten?
Kitten: No, a regular name would probably be better. How about Jane?
Writerchick: Kinkyboots already chose Jane. Do you have another you like?
Kitten: Sure. Susan.
Writerchick: Susan it is.
Kitten: Is anyone else coming?
Writerchick: I hope so, but you three are the only ones who returned my email today. It’s possible you may be the only three, so let’s go ahead and get started.