Page 9 of Tempting the CEO (Forbidden Fun)
I went to bed that night resolved to put my big girl pants on and walk amongst other humans again the next day. If I didn’t, it would just show stupid brogrammers like Roger that one photo could scare me away, and that wasn’t the right outcome.
Besides, things could have been much worse. At least the snap of me plastered all over the place was a decent one. Probably the best one I’d ever seen of myself, frankly, what with the sexy pout and devilish smile.
Anyways, this was going to blow over soon. I was sure my Picto-famous status would be eclipsed by Theo White’s naughty snaps in no time, and I could go back to my life of anonymity and blending into the scenery. After all, he was a powerful CEO and I was nothing but a student. Why the social media world keep humming about me, when they could have him?
But that was before the kidnapping. Because I went to bed, pulling a pillow over my head thinking that tomorrow would be another day. In the middle of the night, there was a sound. At first, I thought it was just a creak of the floorboards, but then it came again, a soft shuffle that could only mean one thing.
Someone was in the room with me.
Oh god, my blood ran ice cold, terror seizing my limbs. What should I do? Should I play possum and lie still under the covers, pretending that I was still asleep? He probably just wanted valuables, and I was an afterthought.
Or maybe I should scream my head off and scare him away. Maybe the loud noise would rouse my neighbors and this guy would take off, bolting from my room with whatever valuables he’d already snitched.
But it was too late because strong muscled arms snatched me from the bed. A broad chest pressed against my cheek even as my nostrils detected the compelling scent of a man, all crisp new leather with hints of woody spring moss. My arms and legs jerked, but shamefully, the struggle was futile given how big this guy was.
In my ear, a rasp came. “I’m not going to hurt you. Stay still.”
And my limbs did as I was told as he tied my hands in front of me and placed a blindfold over my eyes. What in the world? Why wasn’t I screaming my head off and calling for the police? An unknown attacker was in my bedroom in the dead of night, carrying me off to who knows where. And yet I lay trembling against his chest, like a doe unable to move, my heart beating furiously. Oh god, oh god. Then he put a gag in my mouth and I lost my opportunity to save myself.
Breathe Mia, the voice in my head spoke. Just try to survive. Don’t let this guy know how scared you are.
By now, I could tell we were outside from the cool breeze wafting over my skin and the sound of cars in the faraway distance. There was a chill in the air, making me shiver. I was only in thin loose pajama pants and a tank top. The man set me down gently into the backseat of a car.
I must have been noticeably shivering because he asked, “Are you cold?”
I nodded my head wordlessly, almost too frightened to move. And yet my cheeks were warm, taking in this massive man in all black. His features were obscured by the blindfold, but I could just make out a straight, firm jaw-line as well as lips that were perfectly molded. What in the world? Why was I checking this guy out?
But moments later, he laid a blanket over my shoulders and arranged the fabric so it draped over my lap. Frankly, this guy was probably the most considerate kidnapper in the history of the world. Then, I heard the car door swoosh closed, making my hair flutter. With my hands tied in front of me, I absently stroked the blanket rolling the furry tufts between my forefinger and thumb.
As the car started to move, I wondered where my kidnapper was taking me. His simple kindness of lying the blanket on me tamped down my initial fears of being murdered or maimed. There was absolutely no good reason to believe him, but his words that he wouldn’t hurt me rang true to me somehow, striking to the core of my heart.
Bringing the blanket up to my face, I inhaled, smelling the man’s musky scent again.
Why was this happening?
Who would want to kidnap me? And why?
An uneasy feeling swept over me. Was this in connection with my Picto-famous status? Did I piss off one of the brogrammer dudes in the Computer Science program?
Was Roger behind this prank? But that couldn’t be right either. The man that effortlessly lifted me out of my bed couldn’t have been stick thin Roger with his puny arms.