Page 2 of Tempting the CEO (Forbidden Fun)
I cut through Sproul Plaza, noticing a few people looking over at me. Was it my imagination or were eyes trailing me? No. That couldn’t be. Brushing it off, I kept walking, telling myself that it was nothing. People usually didn’t notice me. A lot of people just don’t see big girls most of the time, we’re invisible to most of the world.
Once inside Wheeler, I walked down the steps to the middle seats where Jill and I usually sat. The intense stare of hundreds of pairs of eyes crawled on the back of my head as I took my backpack off and sat down.
A girl a few seats back whispered, “OMG. That's her!”
The girl next to her squealed. “Unbelievable! I knew she was in our class.”
I didn't dare turn around. My neck started to prickle with sweat. Was I going crazy? Were they talking about me?
One of the girls said in a hushed tone, “She’s really pretty. I just never noticed her. She's so quiet.”
I swallowed. They couldn't possibly be talking about me. Me? Pretty? I was imagining things. They were probably on their phones talking about some celebrity or something. No way did they mean Mia Nelson. After all, my form was curvy and voluptuous. At times, with the right blousy outfit that hid my figure, I might be cute, but never ever pretty. Trust me. The world’s smacked me in the face with that fact many times.
Just then, Jill rushed in out of breath. “You're not going to believe what's happening!” She sat down next to me with an intense frazzled look on her face. “You’re going to kill me!”
“What? Why am I going to kill you?” I said shifting uncomfortably in my chair. Her abrupt entrance into the lecture hall drew even more attention to us. My ears burned with embarrassment. “Whatever it is,” I said, looking around sheepishly. “It’s okay. No need to shout.”
Jill pulled out her phone. “No seriously, Mia. Do you remember the photo I took of you on the rooftop last week?” Jill sputtered, flailing her hands around excitedly.
“Yeah. So?” What was Jill talking about?
“Okay. Well, I posted it to Pictogram,” she said, her voice rising at the end of the sentence so that she finished with a shriek.
I looked around again seeing more of our classmates looking at us. If Jill didn't pipe down, I was going to have to gag her. “Stop screaming,” I entreated.
I remembered that day on the rooftop. It had been an unseasonably warm. We'd taken a break from computer lab and gone up onto the roof. Often, Jill and I got too absorbed with our coding that we made it a point to take a break every couple of hours to get some sunshine.
It was the perfect time to head outside because one of our classmates, Roger, a thin wiry asshole, had just insulted us. He’d looked at our pasty faces and then smirked.
“You gals here all weekend? Figures you two would need the extra lab time,” came his nasty comment.
Infuriated, Jill and I had gone up to the rooftop to bitch about Roger and the other guys in our classes who had similar arrogant attitudes.
Jill fumed, pacing like a lion. “Why does Roger assume we suck at programming? It’s so fucking misogynistic and unfair.”
“Why do you think?” I said.
It was mid-day and the sun beat down hotly on our heads. Figuring that because it was a Sunday and no one could see me up on the roof, I peeled off my shirt, boobs encased only in a bra.
“Really Mia?” said Jill, making a funny face. “Really really? Bra only?”
But it was just us girls on the rooftop with no one around. So why not? I was hot and Jill had seen me in a bikini numerous times.
“Don't mind me,” I said. “Keep going. I’m just getting some sun.”
And ever game to get a tan, my friend snapped her fingers.
“You’re right, healthy and bronzed is way better than pale and doughy. Okay, I’m doing it too.”
And with that, the blonde slinked off her shirt so that we were both in bras only. Looking sideways at Jill, I marveled at our differences because even though we’re best friends that doesn’t mean we’re anything alike. Jill was thin and tiny, her boobs the size of mosquito bites. Me, on the other hand? I’m full Double Ds, the scale tipping to the big side. Yep, my girls are large and in charge, and right now, the bra was barely keeping them in place, the creamy mounds luscious.
But I felt like we were fine. It was just us with no one to see. So I leaned back, savoring the warm afternoon rays.
Unfortunately, Jill was still worked up. Biting her lip in thought and narrowing those blue eyes, the blonde huffed again, still pissed off by Roger's comment.