Page 49 of My Fiance's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 1) by S.E. Law
But unfortunately, Cora ends our intimate embrace. She takes a deliberate step backward and watches me warily. We stand like this for a moment, each of us trying to read the other.
Finally, Cora speaks.
“Why didn’t you call me, Matt? After we left the cabin?” I detect a tinge of desperation in her voice, and my heart breaks. I sigh, unsure how to explain myself.
“Sweetheart, I needed some space to think about our… affair.”
“Oh.” Cora looks completely defeated.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call.” I start to step toward her, but Cora immediately steps back. I take a deep breath and continue. “Look, what we did, well, it was unexpected. And I needed some time to get my head straight about it. That’s all.” It’s the truth, and she can’t blame me for needing space.
“Sure,” Cora mumbles, looking down at her feet.
“It’s complicated, you understand.”
“Yeah.” Still staring at her shoes.
I can’t take it anymore. I close the space between Cora and me with one wide step. “Look at me.” She shakes her head so I lift her chin to make her do so. “I needed space, Cora, because I needed to figure out what to do next.” Cora’s big brown eyes search mine, desperately trying to read my mood.
Looking into those gentle, innocent eyes, a variety of emotions come tumbling back in. It’s true that for the past two weeks, I’ve done nothing but weigh my options for how to deal with the fact that I’m in love with my son’s former fiancé.
I considered what life would be like if Cora and I went our separate ways forever, and it nearly killed me. Then, I considered an illicit, secret affair, to protect Marky and to save everyone’s reputations. I even considered uprooting my life and putting Cora and Blue Mountain completely behind me. In every scenario, I had to leave Cora in order to protect her, and I would protect her at all costs.
But the one option I hadn’t let myself consider is now suddenly the only option.
It’s now or never, Matt.
“Cora,” I clear my throat and start again. “Cora, I know what I need. And I don’t know how to say it, except bluntly.” She winces, as if bracing herself for a blow. I take her face between both of my hands, wanting to protect her even more fiercely than before. I take a deep breath.
“I am completely in love with you, sweetheart. That’s what you’ve done to me.”
Cora’s brown eyes go wide and search mine. “You – you are?”
“Yes,” I exhale, laughing a little with relief. My heart feels lighter now that the words are out. “Ever since the cabin, I knew that I’d fallen in love with you. Part of me knows that I’ve always had strong feelings for you, but I couldn’t let myself act on them. Because of everything – your engagement, your heartbreak, how taboo this whole situation between us is. But now, I don’t care anymore, and I have to be honest with you.” I kiss her, deeply, with every ounce of love I can convey through the movement. “I love you.”
Cora returns the kiss, her passion matching my own.
Reluctantly, I pull away from her eager mouth.
“I want to be with you, no matter what,” is my firm statement, brooking no doubt.
Cora looks up at me, her eyes filled with deep emotion. Finally, she speaks again, her eyes tearing again as she does so.
“I love you, too, Matt.” Her gentle tears suddenly turn back into intense sobs. “I have, for a long time now.”
“Cora, Cora,” I croon, my heart exploding with happiness but also concern at her tears.
She continues. “I’ve been in love with you ever since the cabin. And I’ve always been so attracted to you and felt so bad about it but now I know, I know it’s because we’re supposed to be together.” She sobs uncontrollably in my arms, so I just hold her.
When her tears calm somewhat, she steps back from me, eyes bright. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why, I’ve just been a rollercoaster of emotions since we left the cabin. I’m not usually such a blubberer, I swear.” She laughs a little and I can’t help but stroke her face.
“I feel the same way. These last two weeks without you have been the worst of my life. I’ve thought about you every other moment, it feels like.” I shake my head, feeling silly now that we’ve both confused our love for the other. “Honestly? I was afraid you were going to regret our time together, and I didn’t want to give you the chance to pull away.”
“No, never!” Cora falls back into my arms and I hold her tightly. “There is one more thing…” her voice is muffled against my chest.
“What is it?”
Cora’s eyes seem even brighter than normal, something akin to alarm and excitement appearing in their depths. “I don’t know for sure, but I think I might be pregnant. You may be a father again, Matt.”