Page 45 of My Fiance's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 1) by S.E. Law
I try to occupy my mind on the long drive by thinking about the bookstore.
I’ll definitely need to do inventory, and I hope Hadley confirmed the details for the author’s visit.
Feeling motivated to see the store and my parents, I drive a little faster toward Blue Mountain.
Besides, I may run into Matt around town, so it’s not so bad. We’ll figure it out, like he said.
Finally, I cruise into Blue Mountain, the little town looking as charming as ever. There are still tears in my eyes, and my heart contracts a bit painfully. I had my romantic week at the cabin, but now, who knows what lays ahead?
Two weeks back in Blue Mountain, and I think it’s safe to admit that my initial enthusiasm to return to normal life has waned.
I stretch a little from my perch on the ladder. I’m at my store, dusting the top shelves in preparation for our visiting author’s talk. Hadley insisted that no one could see the top shelves so what’s the point, but I didn’t wanted to tell her that I just need the distraction.
For the past thirteen days, I’ve come into the bookstore, eager to get back to a routine. And for the past thirteen days, I’ve just as eagerly waited for Matt to call me.
My ears perk up at the sound of the store phone ringing.
“Hearts and Heroes, this is Hadley,” my employee chirps. I strain to hear the conversation, leaning off the ladder a little. “Hi Mrs. Cleary.”
My heart sinks. It’s just a customer. I finish dusting the shelves and slowly descend the ladder just as Hadley finishes the call.
“No problem. We look forward to seeing you at the event.” Hadley hangs up the phone and rolls her eyes in mock frustration. “That’s like the third time she’s confirmed the date and time.”
“She is ninety years old.” I offer and shrug.
“True,” my friend says. When I don’t respond, Hadley keeps chattering away. “So I confirmed that the chairs are going to be delivered Friday, and your mom dealt with the caterers while you were away.” I tune out her excessive babble, unable to concentrate.
Why hasn’t Matt called me?
I distract myself with reorganizing the books on the front table display. Hadley keeps chirping along, oblivious to the fact that I’m only listening with one ear. “And that newest cover – the guy is a god!” Hadley squeals delightedly and I glance up at the book cover she’s shoving in my face.
“Sexy.” I acknowledge half-heartedly, not really caring for the blonde, shirtless man pawing at a half-naked woman who appears to be busting out of her dress.
“He’s soooo sexy and I heard that the model they used is a real one and he was just working as a personal trainer when bam! He was scouted by a photographer…” But again, I tune out Hadley.
Maybe he isn’t calling because the whole thing was a mistake. I almost crumple with embarrassment. I mean, that is weird, right? That I hooked up with my ex’s dad?
Who does that? I ask myself, suddenly feeling angry and ashamed for giving into the temptation.
I finish arranging the books and head to another bookshelf.
“And oh, oh my god, do you know who else is coming?” Hadley follows me to the bookshelf, clearly not taking the hint that I don’t feel chatty. “That redheaded snot from your engagement party, the one Marky’s dad was all over.” Marky’s dad… wait, Matt?
I perk up, suddenly eager to listen to my gregarious best friend.
“So apparently she’s friends with that girl who – oh my god, Cora, I’m so sorry.” Hadley stops talking immediately, her sweet face completely red. “I didn’t mean to bring up your engagement.”
“No, go on. What were you going to say? About Marky’s dad?”
But my friend doesn’t hear.
“I am such a jerk. Here I am just blabbering away and I bring up Marky like that. I wasn’t thinking. I know this is a horrible time for you.” Hadley looks so distraught that I can’t help but smile wanly.
“Hads, I’m okay, really.”
My friend looks worried.
“But you’ve been so mopey these past two weeks, and you keep finding all these silly projects to distract yourself with.” At my raised eyebrows, Hadley places her hands on her petite hips. “I’m your best friend, so I know when you’ve got something on your mind.”
Part of me wants to tell my best friend everything – that Marky is gay, that I slept with his dad, and that I’m in love with Matt Harrison.
In love with Matt? I pause a moment, caught off guard by the realization. I’ve known it for a while now, but for some reason, when I articulate the words, even to myself, it makes my heart race.
“Spill, Cora.” Hadley is looking at me expectantly, and I suddenly have the urge to throw up.