Page 3 of My Fiance's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 1) by S.E. Law
“Mom, don’t cry!” I laugh at her sappiness.
“You’re just my baby is all and – ” she’s cut off mid-speech by the arrival of the first of my relatives.
“Marcia, Cora, hi!” my great aunt screeches from across the parking lot while getting out of her luxury sedan.
“She’s eighty-five years old, so why on earth is she still driving?” my mom mutters to me. “Okay, Cora, brace yourself,” she winks at me. “Hi Aunt Sue, let me come help you.”
With my mom occupied, I slip inside the building to look for Marky and to see the room before it becomes packed with my guests.
“Miss Morrissey,” the hostess greets me. “We have your private event set up in the back. Please, right this way.”
I follow the hostess into the deeper recesses of the restaurant. Frankie’s is a place I’ve always wanted to try, but I was always either too young for its elegance or too broke to afford it. It’s the kind of establishment that screams decadence and fancy food, and I still can’t believe I get to have my engagement party here.
Thank you, Matt Harrison.
While at first, I had felt awkward about Marky’s dad paying for the dinner, now, staring at the elegantly decorated room made up just for my engagement party, I’m giddy.
Several long, oak tables run the length of the room. At each table, wooden benches serve as the seating, padded with white cushions. Overhead, fairy lights drip from the ceiling, providing enough lighting to see but keeping an allure of mystery and romanticism about the room. In the middle of each table, short, squat vases are filled with peonies, each tied with twine and soft gold bows.
Through the paned glass windows, the sunset is casting an almost rosy gold hue to the room. A fireplace crackles and delicate heaters make the room feel like a perfect spring night.
I’m completely taken aback – the whole setup is like something out of a dream.
Who on earth did all of this?
Almost as if in response, Matt Harrison strolls into the room, looking extremely handsome in his fitted blue suit. He’s huge as always, and his black hair is damp and brushed off his high forehead. I melt a bit, but then try to control my reaction.
“Cora, hi.” He greets me with a light hug and kiss on my cheek.
“Hi Mr. Harrison.” He smells like the woods on a rainy day.
He grins.
“Please, you need to start calling me Matt. We’re going to be family, after all.” Matt gestures around the room. “Well, what do you think?”
“Wait, you did all of this?”
He smirks a bit.
“I did. Well, I asked the restaurant to decorate the place as befits an engagement dinner. It’s time for romance, after all,” Matt says.
“I don’t know what to say. I love it.” Gratefully, I put my hand on his strong shoulder. “Thank you. It’s perfect.”
Matt looks at me intensely, as if he has more to say, his blue eyes flashing. My heart pounds and the air goes electric. But then, our moment is interrupted by the arrival of guests starting to pour into the room.
“How about I grab us each a drink? You might be needing it,” Matt says when people start coming over. With that, he’s gone and all I see is a flash of his dark blue blazer in the crowd. Multiple people surround me, and I’m suddenly inundated with questions, comments, and compliments.
“Cora, you look stunning!”
“Wow, look at the lights, how pretty.”
“Good to see you sweetheart. Where’s the bar?”
“Happy engagement!”
“Where’s the groom?”
“Did you see your aunt?”
“Let’s see that ring!”
“Any special seating?”
At some point in the chaotic meet and greet, Matt returns and slips an icy cold glass of champagne into my hand. I smile at him gratefully and just as quickly am pulled the other way by even more relatives bombarding me with questions.
Finally, my best friend, Hadley, bounces into the room and hugs me tightly, nearly spilling my drink. “
“Hi, my lovely bride-to-be! It’s your maid of honor reporting for duty. Oh my gosh look at you! Oh my gosh, look at those flowers! Oh my gosh look at Matt Harrison! HOT! Ooooh, are those crab cakes?” She grabs an hors d’oeuvre and stuffs it into her mouth.
I laugh at Hadley’s enthusiasm. We’ve known each other since first grade and the bubbly, petite blonde is a constant source of entertainment.
“Hi Hads.” I look behind her. “No date?” I raise my eyebrows at her, teasing.
She grimaces.
“Ugh, no. I was going to bring that guy I met online the other week, but then he started talking about how much he loves his cat and I was like no thank you and also figured like all of Marky’s hot friends are going to be here plus his dad is super fine so I mean, really.” Hadley shrugs at the end of her dizzying speech. “Where is Marky, anyways?”