Page 18 of My Fiance's Dad (Forbidden Fantasies 1) by S.E. Law
No, what I’m upset about how I had to watch Cora experience such misery at the dinner and all because Marky wasn’t honest with her or himself.
I sigh. It’s not the kid’s fault, I acknowledge. I know in my heart that Marky is a good man, and I’m proud to have him as a son.
I’m just not proud of how he handled things with Cora. And I’m definitely not happy that I’m the one who is left to clean up the damn mess.
But Marky had been a wreck that night. He felt and still feels horrible about the whole situation, and making him deal with all the details of canceling the wedding seems cruel.
Also, I admit to myself, I wouldn’t mind seeing Cora.
I shake my head at the thought. I’ve always liked Cora and I tried to attribute my feelings to the fact that she is sweet and made Marky happy. But as I got to know her more and more, that initial like shifted into something more.
She’s a beautiful woman, and a real catch, I acknowledge. There’s no harm in admitting that.
I look at my watch and am surprised to see it’s well after 2 p.m. I dial Cora’s number, with the intention of talking to her about cancellation plans. But really, I just want to hear her voice.
Her cell goes straight to voicemail, and I toss my phone onto the counter, frustrated.
Dammit, why won’t she answer her phone?
It occurs to me Cora might not be alright. Do her parents know about her and Marky? What if she didn’t tell them?
Suddenly worried, I pick up my cell phone again and find the number for Cora’s mom, Marcia. I call it and wait while the mobile rings and rings.
Does no one answer their goddamn phones in that house?
To my relief, Marcia finally picks up after the fifth ring.
“Hi Matthew, sorry. I was making lunch and my hands were covered in tomato juice.”
“Hey Marcia, thanks for answering. Look, this is all a little awkward…” I begin, unsure how to proceed since I don’t know how much Marcia might know about Cora and Marky’s situation.
“Don’t worry, Matt. Cora told me, well, everything.” I don’t hear any judgment in her voice, and I sigh with relief.
“Honestly, Marcia. Let me just start by saying that I’m sorry for everything your family is going through.”
“I appreciate it, Matt.”
“Marky, well, he could have handled the whole thing a lot better than he did, but he never meant to hurt Cora. My son’s not like that.”
“I know, and more importantly, my daughter knows that too. It’s all too bad because Marky is a sweet boy. We were certainly looking forward to having you and Marky join the family, but we’re happy he’s found his own path.”
“That’s kind to say, Marcia.” I pause, unsure what to say next. “Look, I don’t want to make a strange situation any stranger, but I’ve been trying to reach Cora and she isn’t answering. Is she okay?”
Marcia seems to hesitate, but then finally answers.
“She’s as okay as you could expect her to be. It was quite the bombshell.”
“Well, the reason I’ve been trying to reach her is going to sound crass, but I’m afraid it’s falling to me to do this.” I take a deep breath and proceed, “I need the engagement ring back. And as soon as possible.”
“Oh, I see.” Marcia sounds uncertain.
“It’s a family heirloom, Marcia, and – again, not trying to sound crass – but it’s an extremely valuable antique.”
“No, of course I completely understand, Matt. Marky shared its important family history with us.” She clears her throat. “It’s just that, the thing is, Cora isn’t home.”
“Oh well, I can just come by later today. It’s no trouble.”
“No, I mean she’s out of town and I think she has the ring still with her.”
I’m surprised. Where did Cora go?
“When will she back?”
“In a couple of weeks.”
“Weeks?” Now I’m alarmed. “Look, Marcia. I know that Cora needs her space right now, but I really need that ring back. What if she gets mad and throws it into a lake or something?”
Marcia lets out a dry laugh.
“My daughter is not going to throw the ring in a lake or flush it down a toilet. She’s a thoughtful, good kid whose whole world just got turned upside down by your son.”
Treading lightly, I try to convey my urgency while also trying to calm Marcia down.
“I’m sorry. I know that it’s a nightmare situation. But that’s exactly why I need to get the ring back. Cora is upset, and people act out in times like these.”
Over the faint static of the phone line, I can hear Marcia sigh deeply.
“I understand. I really don’t think my daughter would do anything rash with your family heirloom, but I do understand how important it is to your family.” She pauses again and finally tells me. “I convinced Cora to go up to our family cabin for a little while. She really just needs to clear her head and have some space away from everything that’s just happened. She left this morning.”