Page 119 of Kings Have No Mercy
But Sydney—she’s been different from the start. The first moment she set foot inside the Steel Saloon and set my world ablaze.
“Mace,” she bemoans. “I’ve got to help Mick.”
I sigh. “Make it quick. Or I’ll come looking for you.”
She scurries off like she’s been given a task on a set time table. I can’t help the chuckle that rumbles out of me watching her go. We still might not have everything figured out, but damn if Sydney doesn’t bring me more joy than anybody else around. Even the smallest antics of hers.
Cash walks up and stops at my side.
“I see you two patched things up.”
I shrug, bringing my glass of whiskey to my lips. “We’ve reached an understanding.”
“That seems like more than an understanding.”
“What is it you’re really asking?”
“I take it Syd’s here to stay?”
I try damn hard to fight off my grin. “What do you think?”
“I think you even asking me ‘what do you think’ answers my question. She’s not going anywhere.” Cash sounds amused as he folds his arms over his chest and stares out at the bar floor like I am. “It’ll be good for you. She challenges you while balancing you out. It’s what you need.”
“I wasn’t aware I needed anything.”
“’Cuz Mason Cutler’s perfect.” He shoots me a sideways look with his brows raised.
I can’t help chuckling again. “You’re one to talk. Make any new women swoon?”
“You know that’s not my style.”
“You’re about as noncommittal as I am,” I point out. “In fact, the only girl I ever remember you having a real thing for was your childhood best friend. The girl one.”
“You mean the one you were jealous over?”
“Yeah, what was her name again? The little tomboy that lived next-door to you? Cute little Black girl that fixed bikes better than you and you were crushing on hard? Korine McKib—”
“That’s in the past,” Cash interrupts with a heated pink tone that tinges his ears. “She’sin the past. That was decades ago, Mace.”
“Point still stands.”
Cash doesn’t deny it. He merely takes a sip from his Coke can and stares ahead at the party that’s thriving before our eyes.
I abandon him where he is to go collect. It’s been fifteen minutes, and I want my woman.
Sydney shakes her head and slams down her dishrag when she sees me approaching.
“You are hopeless,” she says.
“Glad we both agree.” I scoop her up with a scream of surprise and plenty of stares from others, then we’re off.
Without a single bone in my body giving a fuck.
“Beg for it,”Mason growls, his hot breath against my pussy.