Page 32 of Eagle (Iron Tzars MC)
“You try to leave and I’ll stop you.” The gruff growl came from the doorway and Eagle stepped through, followed by Brick.
I jumped up and flung myself into his arms. All the fear and tears I’d been holding on to exploded out of me in a rush. The only thing that held me together, that kept me from completely shattering was Eagle’s strong arms and soft words in my ear. I had no idea what he said to me, but the sound and his scent were comforting.
I have no idea how long Eagle held me or how long it took me to calm down, but once I did, I heard Serelda’s soft voice. I thought she was updating the guys on what had happened since she’d gotten to the hospital, but I wasn’t sure.
“I need to check on Iris,” I said into Eagle’s chest.
“Take her, Eagle,” Serelda said. “I’m good with Brick here. Did Sting come with you?”
“Yes. He’s with Iris now.”
“Good. Take Nyla to Iris, then get her home. She needs looking after and loving care.”
“I shouldn’t stay,” I whispered. “What if Milo tries for me again?”
“Don’t worry about that bastard,” Brick said, briskly. “He’s been taken care of.”
That brought me up short. “Taken care of? Like for good?”
“Mostly,” Brick said, shrugging. “He will be, though. And he’s contained. He won’t be hurting you or anyone else ever again. When he dies will depend on how cooperative he is.”
“You make that bastard suffer.” I didn’t mean for that to come out as an order, but there wasn’t much I could do to hide it.
To his credit, Brick just nodded. “I promise.”
We checked on Iris. Sting was sitting on her bed, holding Iris in his lap. She clung to him but seemed otherwise not in distress.
“Thank you for keeping an eye on our women, Nyla. Iris says you were a great comfort to all of them.”
I blinked in surprise. “Really? I was afraid I was in the way, but I couldn’t leave everyone alone. They’re my friends. I’ve never had friends before.”
“You have a whole club full of them now, honey.” Eagle spoke gently. “You never forget that. They don’t love you because you’re my woman. They love you because you’re you. Pretty sure most of them would take you over me any day of the fuckin’ week.”
“That’s because you’re generally grouchy and a pain in the ass,” Sting said cheerfully.
Iris and I shared a grin before we both started crying. Eagle let me go to her and I hugged the other woman as fiercely as she hugged me.
“Rose will need us, Nyla. You remember that when you try to talk your man into letting you leave. Rose needs us. All of us. You most especially.”
“I think I need her too,” I acknowledged softly. “I need all of you.”
“Good.” Iris sniffed and smiled at me through her tears. “Because we all need you, too.”
Eagle urged me gently from the room and took me outside the hospital. I took a deep breath of air. “I didn’t realize how claustrophobic I’d gotten until just now.”
“Are you sure you’re not hurt, honey? You got checked out. Right?”
“Atlas insisted. And yes. I’m fine. I’m sure I’ll be sore tomorrow. I got knocked on my ass. But I’m not injured. It’s Rose who was hurt the worst.” Just the thought of her losing her child cut me like a knife, the pain nearly doubling me over.
“She’s tough. This will hurt, but she won’t lay down and quit. She’ll grieve and we’ll all be there to help her. But she’s strong. She wouldn’t be Atlas’s woman if she weren’t.”
She was silent for a moment before she spoke again. “I got tested. You know. While I was there. I’m clean even though sometimes the men I was with didn’t use protection. Milo gave me an implant to prevent pregnancy and I had it removed. It’s not that I want to get pregnant right now. I just…”
I finished for her, knowing exactly what she was getting at. “You didn’t want anything left of Milo in your life.”
“Did you find the men who did this?”
“Wouldn’t be here now if we hadn’t. It’s all taken care of.”
“What about Milo?” I cringed when I asked. Even saying his name made me want to vomit.
“Taken care of. He’s not dead yet, but he will be. After a while.”
“He’s dangerous, Eagle. Don’t play around with him.”
“We’re not. Wylde is keeping an eye on him, and I think he got Alexi involved. Which means Giovani Romano is involved. Milo Hutch isn’t going anywhere.” He leaned down and kissed me softly. “Now. I have the perfect cure for claustrophobia.” Curious, I followed him to a motorcycle. He climbed on and held out a hand for me. “Come on, honey. Let’s ride.”
Chapter Six
Yeah, I should have put a helmet on her, but I knew how she felt. Sometimes, when the memories and nightmares got to be too much, I needed the wind in my hair and the sun on my face too. It was close to midnight now, the night hot and humid. Perfect for riding. At least for me.