Page 25 of Eagle (Iron Tzars MC)
“Just because you tell me to do something doesn’t mean I’ll obey.”
“You will,” I said, stepping into her personal space. “You’ll obey me because when I come back you’re going to be mine. I protect what’s mine.”
“I protect what’s mine too,” she fired back without hesitation. “We go together, or we separate for good. I won’t be here when you get back.”
“This guy will eat you alive, Nyla. You’ve been under his thumb. You know you can’t take him.”
“I can today.”
Before I could form a reply, Nyla grabbed my beard and pulled me down for a scorching kiss. Her tongue thrust deep, but I could feel her hesitancy. Her body trembled in my arms where I held her against me. When she raised her hip to circle mine, when she made contact with my dick through my pants, I lost the ability to reason out why this was a bad idea. Instead, I gave her all the lust inside me, kissing her like I’d never kissed another woman. Because she was mine. I’d never let her go. It was time she realized that. Time we both did.
* * *
For the very first time in my life, I got it. I understood what desire felt like. I’d been drawn to Eagle from the first, might have even been attracted to him sexually, but I’d never acknowledged it until now. My threat to leave if he didn’t take me with him was as empty as the day was long because I could never leave him willingly. I’d fight by his side with my last breath.
This attack had proven to me how much these people had come to mean to me over the last few days. They were kind, supportive, and caring. Winter and Serelda had taken turns staying with me at night to help me through my nightmares. I knew Eagle was never far away from me. It was time I stood with them. Threw my whole self into this group of men and women because this was where I wanted to stay and try to make a home.
It didn’t take long for Eagle to take the lead and I willingly followed. My leg was around his hip, and he gripped my bare thigh before sliding his hand under my cotton shorts to grip my ass cheek and squeezed.
“Fuck,” he muttered between kisses. “Taste so fuckin’ good!”
“Need you,” I whimpered. “Need you inside me.”
That seemed to bring him out of a daze and he pulled back. “I ain’t like all the others, Nyla. I take you now, you’re mine. Ain’t no goin’ back. You’ll never leave me no matter what.”
“I don’t want to leave. This is where I want to stay. Always. With you and the others. But especially you.”
“There’s shit you have to know, and I ain’t got time to explain it now.” He lifted me, urging my other leg around his waist before carrying me to the bed. “You get this one chance to wait, girl. Otherwise, you’ll take me and all the conditions that go with being part of this club, no matter what they are. You don’t get to leave.”
“Are you going to whore me out?”
“What?” He jerked his head back. “Fuck no! I’ll kill any man who tries to fuck you! You’re mine. I do not share. For any reason. Ever!”
“You gonna make me spy on dangerous people? Intentionally put me in harm’s way?”
“Girl, I’m fixin’ to spank your ass.”
“Because if you have no intention of doing either of those things, then there’s nothing that could make me want to leave you.”
“I will always take care of you, Nyla. I’ll protect you and keep you safe. Ain’t gonna lie, I’m a gruff man. I have demons and a very dark side, but I’ll never hurt you. Not intentionally.”
I frowned. “But you would unintentionally?”
“I have flashbacks sometimes.”
“Seems we have a lot to talk about.” Again, I pulled him to me by his beard. He growled but kissed me again until we were both breathing hard. “Later. Now, I need you inside me.”
Instead of saying anything else, Eagle set me on the floor and reached for the waist of my shorts, pulling them and my panties down in one swift tug while my fingers found the button to his jeans. He wore no underwear, so his cock sprang free the second I had the button fly undone.
He was hard and thick, long. Before I thought about it, I dropped to my knees in front of him and engulfed him, taking him deep and swallowing to massage the head of his dick.
“Goddamn!” He fisted his hands in my hair as he tilted his head back. The tendons stood out in his neck, making the tattoos creeping up the side dance before my delighted gaze.
Lust rode me hard. All encompassing. I needed to please this man because I knew he’d return the favor, but also because I loved the expressions on his face. The unchained lust as I pleasured him.