Page 12 of Primal Beasts (Darkly Ever After)
“You’re a nut job,” she squeals as her back hits the wall, and my body covers hers.
I chuckle as I trail a finger from her temple to her chin. “Sure am.”
The cub struggles beneath me as she drives her knee toward my groin, but I move out of the way in time. The girl is pissing me off.
I grab her throat and slam her hard against the wall. “Little Cub, better get used to your new surroundings. Besides, we haven’t had our fun with you yet. The party is just getting started.”
She smirks, and I shift my body, expecting another attempted blow, but the little minx spits directly in my face. Rage. I pull a blade from my pocket and press it against her throat, making a small indentation. The slightest pressure and I’ll end her.
I push against her, ensuring she feels my rock-hard cock. “Just cause I want to fuck you doesn’t mean I won’t slit your throat first. Because that cunt of yours will still be a useful hole even when your body goes cold.”
“I’ve got chlamydia,” she blurts.
I burst out laughing. I like this girl. She’s got spunk. Haven’t met a smart mouth since I was eight. Didn’t realize how much I enjoyed being talked back to until this very moment.
A drop of blood trickles from her neck where I cut her. “You’re awfully entitled for someone who broke into our home.”
“This is a church. Isn’t the point of the Lord’s house that everyone is welcome? Perhaps I was looking for salvation.”
“Look at this, Iblis,” I bark. “She’s a bible thumper just like you.” I trail the blade down her body until it’s at her cunt.
She flinches and tries to close her legs, but I kick them apart, ensuring she knows I can gut her with the blade, and she can’t do shit about it. “I’m curious. Did you keep your virtue for the big man upstairs?”
She scoffs, and her eyes dart from me to Iblis.
I smirk. “Don’t let his scary ass deceive you. The only difference between him and those at the Vatican is that he doesn’t molest kids.”
Iblis stands by the window as still as a statue, holding his breath for her answer.
“Men of God don’t hold people hostage.”
“You think clergy are good people? They’re the ones who teach the world how to play a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Don’t fornicate, they said, but the headline read, ‘Pastor gets underage teen pregnant.’ Don’t kill, they said, but that same pastor put a hit on the man who exposed him. Constantly telling me I’m an abomination for being bi-sexual. But then the headline read, ‘Pastor rents a boy for his thick eight-inch cock.’”
“So men are liars and manipulators.” She shrugs. “What’s your point? The worst monsters in history have formed because of the desire for salvation. We’re sold the lie of paradise but forced to live in hell to attain it. I say fuck the preacher’s salvation and fuck their damnation.”
“So we take back the same dwelling that bred us.”
She frowns. “Bred you?”
“You don’t think monsters are born, do you? The whole concept of Original Sin is a complete fabrication to peddle the business of purity and hate.”
“You and Quasimodo over there can try to justify it any way you want, but”—she stares at Iblis—“if it makes you let me go, I’ll gladly tell you that you’ll burn in hell to sweeten the pot.”
Serves the bitch right if I show her what Hell is. Destroy her the way she destroyed Iblis with words. Words he’s heard his whole life. Words used to manipulate him into doing things he never wanted. Sure, the logical part of me understands that she’s a smart mouth, but the pain in Iblis’ eyes pushes all logic out the window. What bothers me the most is that I’d usually slit someone’s throat for speaking to him like that, but I’m hesitant with this girl.
I bend and whisper in her ear, “I suggest you watch your mouth, Cub, before I cut out your tongue and make you eat it.”
The pretty little thing has the nerve to smile, and my cock has the audacity to harden against my pants, threatening to bust out. My eyes travel over her perfect curves to the tops of her giant breasts. “You’d look good with my cock between your tits and your tongue begging for my cum.”
That one moment of lust is all she needs. The slash of a knife draws blood along my forearm. I flinch, which allows her to knee me in the balls and run.
Chapter Nine
“Damn, baby,” he taunts. “That was hot, but not as hot as when I fuck you raw until you bleed. You’ll be in a world of hurt, Cub. I’m going to pound all your holes. Maybe I’ll dislocate your jaw while I fuck your smart little mouth.”