Page 32 of Southern Protector (Unexpected Babies)
“I love you, baby girl. You mean the fucking world to me. Always have. I’ve liked you for a hell of a long time, but I fell in love with you that very first day you looked up at me a few months ago.” I drew in a deep breath. “I know I was an asshole for not speaking up when people bullied you, and I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make that up to you. But you’re my entire world, Elizabeth Gray. My future. My fucking heart and soul.”
My hands began to tremble when she just continued to stare at me. “I’m not asking you to marry me today. We rushed into having a baby,” she gave a watery laugh when I smiled, “but I don’t want to rush you into marriage. But I do want to make a promise to you and our baby. I won’t ever walk away. You’re my beginning and my end. I’ll always be here to love you both, to comfort you both, to cherish you, and adore you. I’ll always be your shoulder to cry on and your protector. Will you please accept my promise?”
With tears running down her beautiful face, she sniffled and nodded her head. “Yes,” she croaked. “Yes, I accept your promise.”
I took the ring out of the box and then grabbed her hand, sliding the band onto her ring finger. Just like I knew it would be, it was a perfect fit. I breathed a sigh of relief. To me, that was a clear sign she was meant to be mine.
Then, I clasped her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers.
Elizabeth beamed as we pulled up in front of the house. Laughing softly, I glanced over at her while I reached up to shut the truck off. “Graduation making you this happy?” I asked her, teasing her just a little.
She looked over at me. Fuck, she was so beautiful when she was this happy. Her eyes were shining and bright, sucking me into their depths with no effort on her part whatsoever. The breath in my lungs left me on a soft exhale.
I really was the luckiest fucking bastard in the world because she was mine.
“It’s over,” she said quietly like she was afraid to break the magic inside of the truck. “No more bullying. No more hateful, dirty looks. No more condescending whispers of me being pregnant. I can just be me.”
Reaching over, I clasped her hand in mine. “Baby girl, you can always be you. Unapologetically so. Fuck what anyone else thinks, you hear me?”
Her cheeks colored with an adorable blush. “I know,” she whispered, squeezing my hand in hers.
I lifted her knuckles to my lips, pressing a kiss to them. I couldn’t make myself stop touching her and kissing her soft skin even if I wanted to. I was so addicted to everything about her. “Come on. Let’s get inside. I’m sure Mom has some cake and is working on cooking something to celebrate. The guys will be over as soon as they finish with their families.”
“Even Kaleb’s parents came home?” she asked me in surprise. She knew Kaleb spent most of his teen years alone. They got rid of his nanny when he was thirteen. He’d mostly been fending for himself and raising himself. Honestly, if he didn’t have my parents to help guide him, I feared for where he might be at today.
I scoffed, shaking my head. “No. He has to FaceTime them since they couldn’t make it.” Elizabeth frowned, the light in her eyes dimming. She and Kaleb were extremely close; he was basically the brother she never had growing up. And it bothered her to see the way his parents neglected him. I think it was because she understood it. And that broke my heart because she’d grown up without proper parental love.
My parents were doing their best to make up for all she’d never had.
“He’s fine, baby. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck, but he’s used to it.” Her frown deepened. Christ, I just wanted that sad look on her face to disappear. “And my parents do their best to stand in their place for him.”
She sighed but nodded her head. “I just hate it for him so much.”
I cupped her cheek in my hand, brushing my thumb over her soft skin. “I know, baby. But I also know Kaleb wouldn’t want you to be upset over this, especially on a day like today. Come on. Let’s get inside.”
Mom swung the front door open with a flourish as soon as we stepped onto the porch. Elizabeth squeaked in surprise, her hand cupping her belly. Mom had been at the graduation ceremony with my dad, but they rushed home to finish getting things set up for us as soon as it was over. I wasn’t bothered by them leaving. My parents wanted to make sure I had time to celebrate a little with my friends who couldn’t come this evening.