Page 21 of Southern Protector (Unexpected Babies)
“Hi,” I breathlessly whispered when he parted our lips.
He grinned at me and pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose. “Go sit down. Dad and I will bring all the food to the table.”
“That’s how things work in this house,” Henry said as he stepped into the kitchen. “Go on now. Rita’s waiting at the table for you.”
I ducked my head and quickly made my way into the dining room. Rita smiled at me. “I know it’s a bit different than you’re probably used to,” she said when I took my seat. “But you get used to it.”
I’d been basically on my own for so long that I didn’t know what to say, so I just kindly smiled at her and chose to say nothing at all.
Once all the food was on the table, Rita dug in. Drake grabbed my plate and put a pancake, some eggs, a couple of strips of bacon, and two sausage links on it. Then, he frowned when he realized I didn’t have anything to drink. Without a word, he got up from the table and came back a minute later with a bottle of water.
“Thank you,” I said softly.
He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my cheek in response before piling his plate with so much food, it gave me a stomach ache just looking at it. I grimaced. Where in the world did he put all of that food?
He chuckled at my expression, not offended in the slightest, thankfully. “I’ll eat it all, don’t worry.”
“That’s a lot of food.”
Rita and Henry laughed. “When Drake was a kid, I took him to the doctor once, worried he had a tapeworm. Turns out, he just has a bottomless pit for a stomach. It’s only grown.”
Drake laughed. “That cow was looking mighty tasty, Mom,” he teased, making me giggle.
Henry snorted. “You have to cook it first, son.”
Drake winked at his dad. “Good thing raw beef doesn’t bother my stomach.”
I laughed out loud, unable to help myself. Drake placed his hand on my thigh and dug into his food, but breakfast remained mostly the same. The three of them went back and forth with each other, and they also made it a point to include me in their banter, warming my soul.
Was this what I had been missing out on all this time?
After taking Elizabeth home so she could get a shower and pack a bag for the weekend, I brought her back to my house before I went to go work for a few more hours with my dad to make up for the time I hadn’t been putting in to help him. I’d have much preferred to spend as much time as possible with Liz, but Dad needed me, too. Besides, at least knowing she was safe and Mom was entertaining her was enough for me to focus on what needed to be done.
Dad’s backache last night had worried me, and though he said he was feeling better this morning after a hot bath, muscle rub, and some sleep, I still didn’t want him overdoing himself again.
But now, the day was wearing down, and night was settling in. Due to our big, late breakfast, Dad and I had both foregone lunch, both of us deciding to wait until dinner to eat anything. And my stomach was growling, letting me know it was way past time to put everything away and get some food in my stomach.
And spend some time with Elizabeth. I was obsessed with her. No other way to put it. I hated being away from her.
My phone went off in the cupholder, and I quickly snatched it up. “Yes, sir?” I asked, answering my dad’s call.
“Put everything away. Pretty sure my stomach is hollow.”
I snorted. “Same. I was just contemplating calling you.”
He laughed. “Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with you,” he teased, making me laugh. “See you in the house, son.”
We ended the call, and I grinned, heading toward the barn. Finally, the day was over, and I could lay my eyes on my beautiful girlfriend again.
Fuck, I loved the way that sounded.
By the time I got the dishes stacked in the dishwasher, the kitchen cleaned, and the dining room table wiped off, Elizabeth was already upstairs in the shower, and my parents were in bed. I shut off the kitchen light, listening to the shower as I made my way up the stairs, keeping my steps light.
I flickered my eyes to my parents’ bedroom door. Their TV was on, playing one of the shows they were really into, and it sounded like it was just beginning.
I needed a taste of my girl, and if they were engrossed in their show, they wouldn’t be coming to disturb us. The last thing I wanted to be caught doing was sinking my dick into my girl.