Page 12 of Southern Protector (Unexpected Babies)
“Alright, hun. Let’s get you into a room so I can get the doc in to see you, alright?”
I immediately leaned down and swept Elizabeth into my arms. “I can walk—”
“No,” I rumbled. And thankfully, my sweet girl didn’t protest further. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep up the pretense that I was okay.
“I need to call your parent or guardian,” Mom began once I had Elizabeth on the bed.
Elizabeth instantly shook her head, flying up into a sitting position, alarming both of us. “No—please,” she begged. I narrowed my eyes at her. Her dad had been a grade-A douchebag when I’d met him, but she’d been out all night with me, so I understood it then. But for her to be afraid of them finding out she’d been hurt? Red flags were waving everywhere for me, and sirens were blaring loudly in my head.
A parent should be concerned that their kid had been attacked. A child should have wanted their parent’s comfort, too. Yet, Elizabeth was clearly pleading with us to keep this quiet.
“Hun, I have to—”
“Please,” Elizabeth begged, her eyes welling with tears, breaking my heart. “They can’t know about this.”
Mom sighed, looking conflicted. Her eyes slid to me, but I didn’t have any answers for her. I was just as lost as she was, and I didn’t fucking like it. “How old are you?” Mom finally asked.
“Eighteen,” Elizabeth told her, which I already knew.
Mom nodded her head, sighing when she realized she wouldn’t have to break hospital protocol and potentially risk her job. “Okay. Do you want me to file under insurance?”
Elizabeth shook her head again. Mom nodded and glanced at me over Elizabeth’s head before smiling at Elizabeth again, though I could tell it was forced. Mom was worried about her. Hell, I was, too. What the fuck was she hiding?
“I’ll get the doctor in to see you as soon as possible,” she assured Elizabeth.
When the door shut behind her, I took a seat on the edge of the hospital bed, my body turned to face her. “You want to tell me what has you so afraid of your parents finding out about this?” I asked, though it came out as more of a demand.
She shrank under my tone. I sighed and thrust my hand through my hair before tugging her into my arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I’m not mad at you,” I promised her. I wasn’t sure I could ever be angry with her. “I just want to protect you, and something’s got you scared, Liz.” It was the first time I’d ever shortened her name, and judging by the sudden rapid beat of her heart I could feel pulsing from her chest to mine, she liked it.
“Please, Drake, I don’t want to talk about this,” she pleaded, focusing her gaze on my chest.
I hooked my finger under her chin and gently tilted her face up so she was forced to look at me. “Baby girl, I’ll find out one way or another,” I warned her. “I’d prefer to hear it from you instead.”
She sighed, chewing on her bottom lip before she began twisting her fingers in her lap.
“They think I’m a fuck-up,” she whispered, making my heart ache for her all while I grew angry once again on her behalf. “And Dad hates me—pretty sure he does, anyway. I was the surprise kid they didn’t want, but they kept me anyway. And it’s been hell for as long as I can remember.”
I managed to trail my fingers lightly up and down her spine despite the storm brewing inside me. God, what had she done to deserve any of this? “Does he touch you?”
She shook her head. “Not physically, no.”
I tightened my hold on her. “But he hurts you emotionally, mentally,” I clarified.
She nodded, not saying a word. I gritted my teeth, trying to reign in my temper so I wouldn’t frighten her. “I want you to move out, Elizabeth. You’re eighteen. Legally, they can’t stop you.”
She sighed. “And where would I go, Drake? I don’t have money. I don’t have a car. I don’t even have my license.”
I brushed my fingers down her cheek, her soft skin soothing the tormented parts of me. “You’d come live with me. My parents wouldn’t mind, baby girl. I just want you safe.”
A broken smile titled her lips, her mask finally gone, allowing me to see all the pain and agony she kept hidden. My soul screamed and raged on her behalf all while my heart wept for her.
“I’m safe,” she assured me. “They’re out of town and will be for the next few weeks.”
I didn’t like it one bit—didn’t like her staying in a house they owned, even if they weren’t home.
“I don’t like it, baby girl,” I told her. I drew in a deep breath. “But I’m trusting you to make the right decision.” And if they hurt her the slightest bit, no matter in what regard or how, Elizabeth would see a side of me she would forever wish she hadn’t.