Page 38 of The Rivals
As I waited for the elevator again, I decided it was probably for the best anyway. I didn’t need to waste my time and energy on Weston. I might as well go back to my room. When the doors slid open, I was greeted by Louis.
“Hey. You’re here late tonight,” I said.
Louis smiled. “I’m just on my way out now.”
I stepped into the elevator car. “Oh good.”
“Did you get off on the wrong floor? Forget you changed rooms?”
I shook my head. “No, actually I was supposed to meet Weston. But he must’ve moved rooms, too. I think maybe a suite became available. I know he was also waiting for a bigger room.”
Louis nodded. “He moved rooms. I was downstairs when he came down to change out his key the other day. But he didn’t take an upgrade. He’s just two doors over on this floor, in your old room.”
“My old room?” My forehead wrinkled. “Had his room been reassigned after he checked out or something?”
Louis shook his head. “Not that I’m aware of. He just asked to move to the room you’d vacated. I told him housekeeping hadn’t made it up there yet, but he said not to worry, he’d take care of it. I assumed you were aware.”
The elevator doors had started to slide closed, but I stuck my hand in at the last second, stopping them.
“Ohhhh, that’s right. I totally forgot about that. Sorry, Louis, it’s been a long day. I’m going to get off here to go see him after all. You have a good night.”
I walked down the hall to my old room, feeling completely confused. Why the hell had he changed rooms? The anger that had started to dissipate came rushing back with a vengeance.
This time I banged on the door like I meant it. Bam. Bam. Bam.
Weston opened the door wearing a smirk and immediately stepped aside. “Somebody’s anxious,” he purred.
“Why the hell are you in my old room?” I stomped past him.
“I think the better question is why are you following me?”
“I was not following you, you egotistical ass!”
Weston’s smile widened. “Right.”
“I wasn’t!” My voice came out so high, it screeched a little at the end.
“Have a seat, Sophia.”
I ignored him. “Why are you in my old room?”
Weston leaned against the desk and crossed his feet at the ankles. “I’ll tell you when you tell me why you were following me.”
“I was not following you. And you’re totally delusional about why I do things. I happened to be at the same building as you because I had an appointment. While I’m at it, I also did not have sex with you because I like when you boss me around.”
The smug bastard looked amused. He folded his arms across his chest. “No?”
I folded my own arms. “No.”
We stared at each other. Weston had a gleam in his eyes, and I could see the wheels turning in his head as we waged an unspoken battle of who would blink first.
“Have a seat, Sophia.”
He smiled. “See? Just because you like me to be in control when we have sex doesn’t mean you want me to boss you around when we’re not. One doesn’t equate to the other. I promise you, it doesn’t make you weak in my eyes that you like being dominated sexually.”
“I do not.”
Weston pushed off the desk and walked toward me. The air in the room began to crackle. As pissed off as I was, or as pissed off as I wanted to be, I couldn’t deny that I was incredibly attracted to this man, in a way I’d never experienced before. Something about having him near made me feel like I might combust if he didn’t touch me.
He gripped my hip with one hand and looked up at me. Though he held me firm, I still knew without a shadow of a doubt that if I told him to take his hand off of me, he absolutely would. Our interactions were so bizarrely confusing.
“If I told you to remove your hand right now, what would you do?”
He looked me straight in the eyes. “I’d remove my hand.”
“So how can you say I want to be dominated by you?”
“You’re confusing domination with control. You can want to be dominated, and still keep control. In fact, you’ve been the one in control of what’s going on between us every time we’ve been together.”
I struggled to accept that, and Weston saw it in my face. “Just stop thinking about it and go with it, if you enjoy it.”
I looked away, but turned back and caught his eyes. I didn’t know why it was so important, but I had to ask. “Where were you going tonight? What was in that building?”
Weston was quiet for a moment. “I see a shrink. She has an office in that building.”