Page 9 of 3 Times the Heat
“Anyways, tell me more, Tam. Who had the best dick?”
“Stas!” I exclaim, popping my head out of the closet for a moment.
“It’s just a question!” she whines. “You can’t blame me for being curious.”
I smile mischievously.
“Well, I honestly can’t answer that because they wereallamazing. I mean, I’ve been with a lot of men before, but I seriously don’t remember ever experiencing that much pleasure. I’ll just say this: a big dick doesn’t always mean there’ll be great sex, but that wasn’t the case this time around. They all knew how to handle a woman the right way, if you know what I mean.”
“I’ll never get over how lucky you are,” Stasia groans. “You get to have a foursome with three rich dudes who actually know what to do with their penises,andyou get paid for it. God really does have his favorites.”
“I would usually argue, but I think you might be right. I’vegotto be God’s favorite if he made it possible for last night to happen. Stas, you don’t even understand. Jamison, Dane, and Chris wereso sexy! I’ve never seen better-looking men in my entire life.”
Stas sighs dreamily.
“I know you’re telling the truth because I’ve seen Mr. Merovingian before and even though I only managed to catch a brief glimpse, I nearly fainted on the spot! The man looked like Zeus come to life, and I’m sure his friends were just as attractive too. You know how fit, athletic dudes always hang out with other fit, athletic dudes.”
“They were very handsome,” I tell her after coming out of the closet again. “What about this one?” I ask, holding up a tiny purple slip dress. “Better?”
Stasia eyes the outfit that I’m holding up for a few moments before nodding her head, a big smile coming over her face.
“Now that’s more like it! They’re going to love that one, Tam. They’ll probably love it so much, in fact, that they’ll rip it off the moment they see you in it, so you better bring a second outfit just in case,” she giggles. “We wouldn’t want you walking home in rags.”
I shake my head at her, quickly ripping my towel off after I catch sight of the time. I’m running a little late, but that’s okay. It’s best to keep them waiting anyway!
“I’m only supposed to be meeting up with them to talk, but who knows what’s going to happen? Besides, I don’t even know what they want to talkabout. Do you think it’s about something bad? I mean, I had a good time, but maybe they thought it was shit.”
Stasia immediately shakes her head, her brown curls bobbing.
“No, definitely not,” she says. “If the sex was as good for them as it was for you, it can’t be anything bad. Maybe they just want to thank you in person for giving them the best sex of their lives?”
“Yeah maybe,” I giggle. “Okay, I have to go. Good talking with you, girl.”
“Alright, well, let me know how everything goes later,” she winks. “I want to hearallthe details. And I meanall, Tams.”
“Okay, will do!” I grin. “Promise.”
Then, we hang up and it doesn’t take me long to get my outfit on after we’ve finished talking. The purple minidress is actually a two-piece set that consists of a tube top and a mini skirt with a long slit up the side which goes all the way up my thigh and practically exposes my privates. It’s scandalous and sassy, but I know Dane, Chris, and Jamison will appreciate it.
After quickly doing my makeup and styling my hair, I wait for a cab by the front door, and soon I’m whisked to the Merovingian Hotel. Dane designed the Merovingian to look like Versailles, so the hotel is nothing short of a palace with imposing rectangular windows, fluted columns, and multiple embellishments in the French Baroque style. This place is enormous with a giant fountain in the outside courtyard, as well as a paved, circular drive leading to the front entrance.
But I hardly notice the architecture because I can only think of the men waiting for me. They’re gorgeous, and I can’t wait to see them again.
Get it together Tamara. You can’t dream like this because Jamison, Chris, and Dane are clients, and nothing more! You know better than to get emotionally invested.
But I can’t help it. They’re so damn charismatic, and their charm is irresistible. I’m already wondering when they’ll decide to pop by the Corinthian next. Or was last night just an aberration?
I try to calm my nerves as I walk up toward the entrance and enter the hotel. Where do I go from here? Should I approach one of the receptionists? But then a voice sounds from over my shoulder.
“Tamara North?” a man greets me. He bows low, and is clearly a member of the staff.
“Yes, that’s me,” I murmur.
The man nods.
“Welcome to the Merovingian. My name is Stand, and I’ve been asked by Mr. Merovingian to escort you up to the penthouse. Follow me, please.”
When Stand turns around, I bounce around in my spot for a few moments before trying to look normal. I don’t want to seem like a kid in a candy store, even if that’s what I’m feeling at the moment. Besides, the hotel is luxurious inside, and I can hardly contain a gasp as we make our way to the elevators. There are marble floors, heavy chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, and painted murals on the walls depicting gods, nymphs, animals, and even the Virgin Mary in one. But soon enough, we arrive at the penthouse, and after one knock, the door opens.