Page 24 of 3 Times the Heat
“Well, rumor is that Stasia and her stepdad were playing with peanut butter in a filthy way. But she didn’t wipe it all off, or didn’t shower thoroughly, or something like that. So when a customer was touching herdownthere, his fingers came away sticky and gooey with peanut butter, and not with her female cream. He was pissed and reported it to management immediately. Said she was unprofessional, not to mention sick in the head.”
The three of us stare.
“Are you serious? Peanut butter snatch? Am I hearing this right?” I ask in a disbelieving tone.
Tamara holds both hands up in surrender.
“Hey, different people like different things,” she says. “I’m not sure why Stassi and her stepdad were playing with peanut butter, but obviously, some people get really turned on by food play. I personally would have preferred Marshmallow Fluff, but to each their own,” she says in a sly tone.
I shake my head.
“Holy fuck. Peanut butter pussy. Who knew it was a thing? And no problem, honey. I’ll order a giant jar of Marshmallow Fluff from Costco first thing when I get to my laptop.”
“Thanks,” Tamara giggles. “Because I was only sort of kidding. Marshmallow Fluff could be really fun,” she winks. “Anyway, I’m going try to find out more because I’m intrigued. I mean, I feel like if Stassi–” Suddenly, Tamara cuts herself off with a loud gasp and her face scrunches up in pain. Immediately, all three of us jump up in panic as we try to figure out what’s wrong.
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing,” the curvy brunette murmurs, wincing as she rests a hand on her bump. “The baby just started kicking suddenly …yow!” She lets out a pained laugh as she shakes her head. “It feels like I have a future soccer player practicing in here. Yeesh.”
“Are you okay?” Chris asks in a worried tone. “Should I get you some ice to chew on?”
“No, no,” Tamara murmurs, settling against the couch back once more. “I’m good, thank you. I think he’s calmed for now.”
We let out sighs of relief, relaxing again as our heart-rates return to normal.
“You know, I’m willing to bet that this is a boy,” I grin. “I’m telling you guys, this is a pro athlete kicking around in there! He’s going to be strong just like his favorite father.”
“Oh, please,” Chris rolls his eyes. “We all know that I’m going to be the favorite because I’m the most handsome out of the three of us.”
“No, you’re the most delusional out of the three of us,” Jamison grunts. “I’mgoing to be our littlegirl’sfavorite.”
“Jamison, you’re definitely my favorite right now,” Tamara giggles as Chris and I gasp in mock-offense. “Because I think she’s a girl too! Jamison agrees with me and that makes me happy,” she explains with a shrug.
“Well, if itisa little girl, I know she’ll look just like her beautiful mother,” Chris smiles. “You’re ravishing pregnant. I mean, you’re really glowing, sweetheart, and you look incredible with your belly full of our child.”
“Thank you,” Tamara smiles. He leans in for a sensual kiss, claiming her mouth with his own.
“Chris is just trying to butter you up since you said I’m your favorite, but he’s right. Youdolook stunning,” Jamison chuckles before pulling Tamara in for a kiss of his own.
Their kiss lasts a lot longer, which Chris huffs at, but before he can get hissy, I quickly move forwards. “Yeah, you’re gorgeous. And more than that, I think we should be showing you some appreciation for carrying our baby,” I chuckle. “We’re going to be parents in just a couple of months. Can you believe it?”
“Hardly,” Tamara grins. “You guys will make great dads.”
“And you’ll be the best mother in the world. I know it, and can feel it down to my gut. By the way, have I told you lately that you’re amazing, Tamara? Because you are.”
“Thank you, Dane. You guys are pretty amazing too,” she smiles, giggling when I pepper her face with pecks before pressing my lips over hers in a tender yet passionate kiss. Jamison and Chris lean into the embrace as well, and sparks fly just like they did the very first time when we played Whack A Mole at the casino. I groan as I remember Tamara moving between our laps, sliding up and down every hard pole we presented her with while gasping with pleasure. Even better, I can see it now – playing Whack A Mole again, with Tamara very pregnant this time around, her head tilted back with ecstasy as we spurt and shoot like the virile alpha males we are. After all, we’ve always been fortunate men … but this time, we’re three times as lucky.
Then read a special extended epilogue where Tamara and her boyfriends deal with Blondie, Chestnut, and Ginger. Yes, the three dolls are still around and still making trouble too! Pick up your copy here (digital download) or here (read online).
Tamara’s friend Stasia is in a weird place. The brat has been enjoying sexy times with the man of the house, but it’s gotten her in trouble at her job. What is she going to do? Pick up Stasia’s story, coming soon!
Kaci, Tamara’s friend, used to work at the Corinthian Hotel as a cocktail waitress too, except our girl Kaci is bad to the bone, and she doesn’t care who knows. As a result, Kaci throws a surprise party for her ex (they parted on good terms), and lies in wait for him with two of his friends. But soon, things start getting frisky and Kaci’s servicing the two handsome men as they wait, using all three of her holes for maximum effect. Talk about a birthday surprise! Pick up Kaci’s story inShared By My Ex’s Friends, availablehere.