Page 21 of 3 Times the Heat
“At first, I admit that when the topic came up, we were just as surprised as you. I’d go so far as to say that we were utterly stunned, Tamara, because we’ve always been love ‘em and leave ‘em assholes who sought only the specter of physical satisfaction. But after you pulled out the dolls, we realized that you’re something special, Tamara. You call it like you see it, and aren’t afraid to voice strong beliefs. You’re sassy, feisty, and can hold your own against three alpha males, which is rare,” he growls.
“And precious,” Chris adds in a passionate tone, his blue eyes blazing as they take in my curves. “We’re captivated by your beauty, Tam, but it’s not just that. We like how you’re independent, with a fire under your bottom. We like how you talk back to us, with a filthy mouth and funny jokes in the same sentence. So we want to try for the real thing,” he says in a light tone. “Might you be interested?”
My jaw is practically on the floor and I have no idea what to say because I’ve been caught off guard. Honestly, I was expecting us to go our separate ways after today because I didn’t think Chris, Jamison and Dane would want anything to do with me if I refused their offer. Let’s face it: they’re commanding men who aren’t used to hearing the word “no,” and my refusal would be the final nail in the coffin. At the very most, they’d press some money into my hand, and then pat me on the bottom with a “thanks honey” before shutting the door in my face.
This, however, is thelastthing I expected to happen. Not that I’m complaining! After all, a relationship with the three most compelling men that I’ve ever met sounds like paradise. It would be a complicated one, but also not-complicated, if that makes sense. We’ve already made it this far already, so I’m sure we could figure out future twists and turns. Dane seems to read my mind and shoots me a lopsided grin.
“A four-way relationship would be something new for us,” the huge man acknowledges. “We’ve shared women before, but only to meet our physical needs. By contrast, exploring arealrelationship with just one woman would be novel, so things may be a little rocky at first and we’ll make mistakes. But it’s something that we’re more than willing to try if you are. We want you, Tamara, and we’ll do whatever it takes to have you. And I can promise that we’ll do our best to make you happy and to do right by you as well. If you’ll give us the chance, that is.”
He finishes speaking, and the silence is loud in my ears, but I wait to reply because this isn’t something that happens every day. I take my time gathering my thoughts because I don’t want to screw this up. Then again, what do I have to lose? I admire the three men so much, and for different reasons too.
Dane is cool-headed and oozes dominance with every word he says, every step he takes, and every move that he makes. When he’s around, I feel safe and taken care of. I know that I won’t have to worry about a thing in the world because he’ll always be there to handle it.
Meanwhile, Chris is the best kind of person to have around. His sense of humor is amazing and he’s always making me laugh. But he’s also incredibly intelligent and a great listener. I feel like I can talk to him about anything and everything without having to worry about any sort of judgment, and he always seems to find a way to turn a negative into a positive.
Last, Jamison drives me absolutely insane in thebestway possible. He’s just as dirty-minded as I am, which is great because he knows how to take care of me in the bedroom, but he also knows how to put me in my place whenever I get out of line. He’s patient with me but firm, and he always knows just what to say or do in any given situation.
Basically, these men are amazing on their own, but together, the mix is irresistible. Add to that incredibly good looks; insane physical attraction; as well as the fact that they’re huge down there, and these men everything I want and need. But still, I need to be sure.
“So this isn’t just about getting your physical needs met?” I reiterate. “It’s an emotional connection?”
Three dark heads nod as they look at me with serious eyes.
“Absolutely,” Dane stresses. “We want you physically, of course, but this is more about a good time in bed. We wantallof you, Tamara. That includes your body, but also your brains, intelligence, wit, and charm.”
“We want it all,” Jamison states.
“Everything you have to give, sweetheart,” Chris adds in a deep baritone. “We want to know you inside and out.”
Okay, that’s a lot. I’m not sure about knowing anyone inside and out because a girl’s got to have some secrets, right? But I take a deep breath before shooting the three men a dazzling smile.
“Okay, I think I’m going to do it.”
The men exhale, still watching me.
“You will?”
“Yes,” I state in a firm tone. “This is an incredible opportunity and I don’t want to miss out because I’m a coward. Besides, you guys have proven adaptable because I voiced my concerns, and you responded. Not only that, but I told you about my terrible family history, and you guys weren’t shocked, offended, or repulsed. In fact, you said you’d take me just the way I am. What else can a girl ask for?”
I don’t even realize that I’m crying until Dane pulls me into his side, wiping my tears away with his thumb before leaning down to press a long kiss to my lips. I melt into it easily, feeling safe as I’m wrapped up in his arms and with his mouth on mine, his tongue just beginning to slide its way into my mouth, when he’s suddenly pulled away.
Jamison takes his place next, immediately drawing me in for a heated kiss, and I moan as his tongue pries my lips apart and tangles with mine. Our kiss is a little rougher than the one I shared with his friend, but it’s filled with just as much tender affection.
Then my head spins as I’m pulled away from Jamison and Chris turns my chin to face him, his tongue easily interlocking with mine. Our lips slide together in sync, and we hungrily devour each other until Dane clears his throat.
“It’s time to share,” he rasps.
I turn to look at him with a smile.
“You mean the three of you will be sharing my curves?”
His blue eyes flare.
“Yes, absolutely, sweetheart. Even more, Blondie, Chestnut, and Ginger are waiting for us for us in the bedroom, so I guess you could say we’re turning this playtime into a six-some. Is that even a word? Six-some? Or would it be a sextuplet?”
I giggle with laughter because these men have a sense of humor that tickles me in exactly the right way.
“Hey, I didn’t know I’d have competition!” I mock-complain. “When I got you those dolls, it was supposed to be a stunt only. Now, they’re intruding on our sex life!”