Page 17 of 3 Times the Heat
Stasia stares at me.
“How much?”
I shrug.
“They said twenty thousand a week, but I’m sure I could talk them up if I wanted to. These men are filthy rich, Stas, and I’m sure they can afford more.”
My buddy’s jaw is on the ground.
“Wow. Just wow. Please tell me you said yes.”
“No,” I shake my head. “I didn’t. I turned it down.”
“What?” she all but screams again, blushing when a few heads turn toward us this time. She sends the confused-looking strangers a sheepish smile before hiding her face with her hand and turning back to me. “Butwhy? Why would you turn something like that down?! You’re already fucking them, so you might as well be compensated for it.”
I shake my head as I let out another sigh. “Believe me, I know it’s a good deal, and honestly it does sound like a dream. But…”
“But?” Stasia tilts her head.
“It’s just that…well, okay, I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never told anyone else before.”
“I’m all ears,” my friend leans forward, eyes wide as she waits to hear what I’m going to say. “Trust me, I’m listening because I can’t imagine why you’d turn down this offer, Tam. I mean, seriously. All that women’s lib stuff is bullshit when the offer isthisgood.”
I pause, feeling conflicted.
“Yeah, I know, because I could just be their plaything for a little while, right?”
Stasia nods, her brown curls bobbing.
“Exactly. Just do it for three months, pick up a gazillion dollars, and then quit. Why not? I’m sure you could find another job afterwards. Even the Corinthian would probably take you back.”
I nod, suddenly feeling tired.
“It’s just that Iwantto work. You see, my mom was a hooker way back when. When I was growing up, I mean. Ellen was forced into the life because my dad was never around to support us. In fact, I’m not even sure that my momknowswho my dad is because of her promiscuous lifestyle. So basically, he could be anyone.”
“Oh,” Stasia murmurs, nodding. “So he’s a john?”
I shrug.
“Yeah, it’s possible,” I nod. “It’s scandalous, but my biological father could be a nameless john that my mom entertained back in the day. Who knows.”
“Wow,” Stasia says. “That’s crazy.”
I nod.
“But it’s sad because even though Ellen slept with a lot of men to make money, I still grew up in poverty. It was distressing, seeing my mom work herself to the bone like that, and I always told myself that I would walk a different path. I didn’t want to turn out to be anything like her, but honestly, that’s where my life is going.”
Stasia stares at me.
“Really? Why do you think that?”
I shrug.
“Because I’m living her life already! Basically Chris, Jamison, and Dane want me to be their personal plaything. They want total control over me—from where I live, what I eat, what I wear, to who I sleep with and how I spend my time.Everything. I would be totally and completely dependent on Chris, Jamison, and Dane, just like how my mom was totally and completely dependent on the johns she slept with. And I don’t want that. I don’t want my life to be dependent on someone else. I don’t want to be left with nothing if they decide to leave me because I didn’t have anything of my own. Sothat’swhy I’m having issues.”
“Ah ha,” Stasia nods, sending me a sympathetic look. “Okay, that makes more sense because yeah, I can see how you want to avoid your mom’s mistakes.”
I nod.