Page 49 of Naga's Ova
“I hope you are ready for tonight, my dear,” says a familiar voice.
I glance over my shoulder at Vippera, joined by my parents as she takes her place nearby.
“I hear these ceremonies can get quite… dangerous.”
“Nothing I can’t handle,” I reply, smiling.
She raises an eyebrow at me, oblivious that I know of her little plan. My parents signal for the doors to open, and so we are greeted by the thunderous cheers of a marvelous audience.
Chants of my name ring out through the air, but I’m not doing this for the people, I’m doing it for one very special person. Her magnetic presence attracts my line of sight to her almost immediately as I find her amongst the crowd.
My heart beats rapidly upon seeing her gorgeous face, the top of which is concealed by a hood. How I wish to run over and kiss her, but first I must do this and rid us all of Vippera and her goons.
If – no, when. When I make it through this, the first thing I shall do is tell Rory how I truly feel about her. All my tomorrows belong to her.
“Keep close,” says Slyth. “In the thick of the crowd, we’ll be hiding in plain sight. Don’t let your hood down, either.”
“Will do.”
He and I walk side by side as we walk amongst a gathering of those from all around Lodra. It seems like The Hunt is a big deal with these people, and I imagine expectations to be great, what with a royal figure participating in the ritual.
I pull my hood down over my face, casting wary sidelong glances as we walk on a visitor’s trail outside the castle grounds.
“Slyth, where exactly is this ritual being held?” I ask.
“The Hunt takes place in the forest, but it starts in the open fields so that the crowds can see the participant making their dash inwards. Mages come to cast magic, which gives everyone a view of what’s going on once things are underway. The participant will come back with a kill of their own, as a sacrifice to their partner-to-be.”
Nodding, I look around, spotting excited expressions across the faces of those walking with us. Everyone seems exhilarated, thrilled whispers and animated gestures being shared between members of the crowd. I can’t see the appeal behind this whole thing, but then again, I’m no naga.
The trail comes to an end, and we all are led onto the open fields just outside the palace. The crowd gathers on two opposite sides, eyes glancing between the forest and the doors a hundred meters across from the treeline. Running along the sides of the path to the trees are tall, lit fire posts.
It’s clear that everyone is eager to catch a good show. Something tells me these people wouldn’t care if they knew there was going to be an assassination attempt. They’d likely even place bets on Zalith’s survival.
Contrary to the general buzz of the people, I’m so shaken with fear that I worry I’ll faint in front of everyone. Louder than the voices of the crowd are those inside my head, riddling my mind with anxiety.
What if this fails and Zalith is killed? What then will Slyth and I do?
In the time that’s passed since I informed Zalith of the assassins’ presence, I’ve been trying to come up with different plans to get him out of this, all to no avail. I’ve barely gotten any sleep but somehow still stand full of energy, which I guess is from the adrenaline.
“Are you alright, Rory?” asks Slyth.
“I’m fine. I’m just worried, that’s all.”
“This is the only way to go about this. There’s nothing else that can be done at this stage. All we can do is hope for the best. Zalith is a worthy opponent in the face of danger, so do not lose hope.”
“I hope you’re right,” I mutter. “We need to get to the front of the crowd. I can’t see anything from back here.”
Slyth takes hold of my hand as we push through the masses, fighting our way to the front where all is clear to see. He casts a wary eye, as if suspicious of everyone around us. After a moment, he taps his foot impatiently.
“It should be starting anytime now.”
He sighs with frustration, biting his lip with worry. There comes a sudden commotion from the doors of the castle, causing people to clap their hands and point in that direction. I squint my eyes, trying to get a better look.
Several guards emerge from the doors, pushing guests back and forming a barrier. Behind them is a second group of guards, four of them surrounding someone for a few yards before they all break away.