Page 41 of Naga's Ova
I can’t be that angry. I’m sure sex is the last thing on his mind, but he seems to be carrying on as if nothing happened. To me, it means the world because I’ve never had that kind of connection with someone else before.
Am I just another piece of meat to him?
I shift around in my seat, thinking about whether it’s worth it or not to bring it up. I finally decide to but take a moment too long. The bedroom door opens. In steps Slyth, who greets us with a courteous bow.
“Hello,” he says before joining us. “Zalith, do you know what you’re going to do?”
Zalith explains the same plan to him. The whole time, I’m studying Slyth’s face, seeing he wears the same expression as I do, seemingly unconvinced that is going to work.
“I don’t know about this,” says Slyth, stroking his chin.
“I know it’s not the best plan in the world, but it’s all I can come up with unless you guys have anything better to suggest.”
Slyth shakes his head. I want to think of a more efficient method but am too preoccupied with my insecurity.
“Very well. It’s settled then,” says Zalith, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.
“Okay, so where will Rory and I be positioned?” asks Slyth.
“Both of you will be staying here. It’s not safe for Rory out there, and I need you here to protect her.”
“There’s got to be something I can do to help,” I say insistently.
“As can I,” says Slyth. “I know of a better way we can be useful, the old passages!”
“Passages?” I ask.
“They're hidden tunnels of sorts within the palace walls,” explains Zalith. “Used by servants to keep an eye on our guests.”
“So how about it?” asks Slyth. “We can be close to you in the event that something goes down. Plus, we’d be concealed and out of sight.”
“Well,” shrugs Zalith. “As long as Rory is safe. Nothing will happen though, I’m sure of it.”
His voice speaks with confidence, but the look on his face says otherwise.
“We’ll give you a few minutes to get a head start,” says Slyth.
“Ten minutes?” asks Zalith, checking his stopwatch.
“Ten minutes. We’ll be your eyes from the sky.”
Zalith rises to his feet, giving us both somewhat reassuring nods. He then makes a swift exit, his footsteps growing quieter and more distant. Slyth and I look at each other, the anxiety apparent in our eyes.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” I say.
“You’re not alone, but Zalith is right. We don’t have much of a choice or a better plan for that matter.”
“I just hope that we’re overthinking, and this all goes smoothly. The last thing we need is another complication.”
Slyth taps his hand on the door, engrossed in a manner of deep thought. Before long, he gives the cue.
“Come on then, it’s time to go.”
We take a quiet route through the gardens. There’s no guards out here this time of the morning but neither of us are taking any chances. Once inside the main palace, he takes me to a bookshelf in a small lounge room, running his hand along the books until his fingers come to rest on an inconspicuous red hardback.
He pulls it out. The sound of shifting gears comes from the walls as the bookshelf slides across the floor. Revealed is an entrance, small, dark, and dusty.
“I’ll lead the way,” says Slyth.