Page 27 of Naga's Ova
I have always known that my magic depended on the energies that surround me. But I never realized that it had a name.
Arcane. Arcane. Arcane.
“Okay. I want you to start off small. Lift these objects. One by one.”
Slyth points to the weapons on the floor. They are laid out carefully, with lots of space in between each weapon.
I do what I always do when I use my magic in small amounts – because that is all I can manage – I drag on the energy created by Slyth’s movement and use it to lift a weapon.
It is a huge struggle to lift the first sword.
“You can do it.” Slyth’s voice is gentle. I manage to lift the sword about three paces off the ground.
But then my magic, and I, waver. The sword falls to the ground.
“That’s okay. Just try again.”
We take a break after an hour, and I am covered in a thin layer of sweat.
“You’ll get used to life in the castle. Eventually.” Slyth tells me as we take a break. I couldn’t help but complain about my second day in the castle.
“How do you get used to it?” I ask him. I know that Slyth is not a royal, that was obvious from the start. I cannot help but wonder about his position in the castle.
It is clear that he is close to Prince Zalith, though.
“You just get used to it.” Slyth shrugs. His hood widens slightly. “I got used to it after a while. I am not a human, but I am still Prince Zalith’s servant. We all get treated the same pretty much. Except for you. Your magic makes you special. And vulnerable.”
“I suppose so.”
It has been two days since I was taken by the royals of Jalma, as part of Princess Vippera’s dowry.
It has been two days since my life was placed in irreparable danger. It has been two days since my life has changed forever.
And I am not sure how I am going to live through it.
Or if I am going to survive.
I cannot help but give in to my natural curiosity about Prince Zalith.
“What is he like?” I ask Slyth.
Slyth smiles as I ask him questions about Zalith.
“Stubborn. Arrogant. Unforgiving. But deep down, he is a good person.”
“How old is he?”
“What is it like being a Prince?”
Slyth only answers some of my questions before we get back to work.
After another hour, I am able to lift each of the weapons on the ground and keep it hovering in the air for at least ten minutes.
I cannot help but feel a slight sense of elation at my achievement. But then Slyth moves me onto more difficult targets.
Soon, he has me lifting the weapons to strike at the cloth dummies.
At first, the weapons are too heavy for me to lift. But after several hours of blood, sweat, and tears, I am able to strike at one of the dummies at least twice.