Page 22 of Naga's Ova
“It does look enticing,” comments my father. “I shall have some. Servant, please –”
“No!” snaps Vippera. My father recoils in surprise. “I’m sorry, it’s just that back in Jalma, it’s custom to let the intended receiver of such gifts have the first mouthful. After all, I did bring the bottle just for him.”
“We’re not in Jalma,” I retort.
“It’s fine, Zalith,” says my father.
“I can certainly arrange for more to be imported. It’s not a problem,” assures Vippera.
After a moment’s thought, I uneasily pick up the glass. I swirl its contents around, smelling the wine’s sweet aroma. Bringing it to my lips, I’m about to tip the glass back when the main entrance bursts open.
“Stop!” yells Slyth, moving with such velocity that he comes to my side in the blink of an eye. He punches the glass away, knocking it to the floor and causing it to shatter. Everyone but me rises from their table, furious and pointing at Slyth, the most irate of all being Vippera.
Guards rush forward from all directions as I look around amidst the chaos. I turn around to see Slyth being buried under a pile of guards. I rise, commanding them at ease.
“What the hell is happening, Slyth?”
“Sir,” he gasps. “The wine, it’s poisoned!”
“What!” snaps Vippera, spinning to face the servant who brought the drink. “Seize him!”
The guards descend on the frightened servant, blubbering about how he had no idea he was serving poison.
All I can concentrate on is Vippera, though, as our eyes meet. At that moment, there’s a look of contempt in her expression mixed with regret. That’s all the confirmation I need to know that she’s the one who tried to have me killed.
As much as I wish to accuse her in front of an audience, I know there’s no viable evidence. Before I can think of something, she’s already issued the order to execute the man on the spot.
“Wait!” I snap, but the sword is already swinging down on the servant’s head. It goes rolling across the floor much to my horror. Slyth mumbles beneath his breath.
As I turn back around, everyone has already returned to eating dinner as though nothing happened. Disgusted, I throw my handkerchief down on the table and make my way to the doors.
“Where are you going?” asks my mother.
I leave her question unanswered as I depart the room. Slyth runs up behind me, the doors to the dining hall shutting loudly as it produces a loud echo through the palace halls.
“What the hell was all that back there?” I ask.
“An assassination attempt. I was almost a second too late. I’m sorry, sir.”
“You need not apologize. I saw the look in Vippera’s eyes. This is all her doing. How did she get poison past our guards?”
“She must have carried it in herself. That servant was ordered to poison the wine, but she was hardly going to take the fall for him.”
“This is madness,” I mutter. “It’s been 24 hours, and she’s already tried to kill me.”
“Sir, what are we going to do about this?” asks Slyth. “It can’t go unanswered.”
As tempted as I am to make a move on Vippera, I know it’s wise not to act out irrationally. I shake my head.
“Nothing yet. It’s too soon to do something. But the time will come, and I will have my vengeance.”
I’ve been in the same spot for hours, not having moved at all since I was escorted back to the cell by the Prince. I can’t stop hearing his words in my head, and I keep reflecting on the fact that he somehow knew who I was and what I’m capable of.
If he found that out, what’s stopping Vippera from doing the same?